Robert Walters 代外商徵SW Developer - 工程師

George avatar
By George
at 2016-12-25T22:55

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公司名稱】Robert Walters 代外商徵Software Developer


【工作職缺】Software Engineer

Job Description
1. Determines most effective and efficient software design to meet specifications, when necessary
2. Determines appropriate software design, in conjunction with Technical Lead, according to best practice.
3. Develops software, as per company standards, to meet the defined specifications from the Technical Lead, within the agreed deadline and project schedule.
4. Produces the required artefacts for the software (such as source files, executables, components, configuration files, scripts etc.).
5. Ensures that all the produced artefacts are versioned correctly and accurately.

1.5 Years Experience in Web development and integration, with experience with some/all of the following languages:
- C#
- JavaScript
2. Experience with using frameworks like jQuery, AngularJS and NodeJS
3. Knowledge of Microsoft SQL and IIS
4. Practical knowledge and understanding of Security principles as pertaining to software development processes
5. Good English

【工作地點】Neihu, Taipei

【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00–18:00



Annual package: 1.1M – 1.5M


Send your resume to Ruby Lin
[email protected]


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RW 代外商徵SW Engineer Server

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2016-12-25T22:27
【公司名稱】Robert Walters 代外商徵Software Engineer, Server 官方網站: 【工作職缺】Software Engineer, Server 【工作內容】 Job Descriptio ...

越南 VS 唐榮

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-12-25T22:16
※ 引述《Iamyuki001 (Yuki)》之銘言: : 公司 越南鋁工業 唐榮 : 部門 品管工程師 冶金工程師 : 工時 好像十小時以上( ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2016-12-25T21:42
各位大大好, 小弟我是115機械碩 家在台中 目前有拿到一個offer: 公司 祥茂光電 內容 韌體工程師 薪資 45k 工時 8小 責任制 地點 新北林口 � ...

公司幫你排好特休 這沒問題嗎

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2016-12-25T16:49
小魯公司明年一堆公司統一扣假 過年放十天 中秋放七天 還有其他小連假 但統一扣假第一順位是扣特休 小魯資淺 特休不夠扣還要變無薪假... �� ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2016-12-24T23:51
小弟不才,目前研替面了幾間,只有拿到世界先進的OFFER,因為也沒其他選擇,所以基 本上有想簽下去,不過想詢問一下相關資訊,麻煩個問百萬年薪�� ...