Robert Walters代徵IT Infrastructure Manager - 加班

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2017-08-11T11:18

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公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填):Robert Walters, 53546368
公司地址(填寫詳細至號): 台北市信義區松智路1號10樓

實際工作地點: Neihu
職缺: IT Infrastructure Manager

Duties and Responsibilities:
· Lead an IT team coming from 3 countries (Singapore, Manila and Taiwan) responsible for maintaining core IT infrastruture
· Deliver corporate infrastructure solutions including, but not limited to switches, routers, firewalls, VPN devices, storage, servers, and virtualization technology
· Manage the relationship with the service providers of any outsourced infrastructure components including; managing the service level agreement, change management, maintaining a thorough understanding of cost issues including participating in negotiation of new cost schedules
· Provide proactive solutions to monitor and maintain the health of the network and all storage and server devices connected to the network
· Hands-on experience in deploying and managing business application systems and infrastructure systems
· Proven track record of developing and leading a technical team as well as managing budgets and delivering projects on time and on budget
· Previous management experience preferred but not required

· Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field or eight years of experience
· Seven or more years of Network and System Engineering
· In-depth knowledge of server, networking, and telecommunication systems, concepts, applicable methodologies, tools, standards, procedures and policies. To include In-depth understanding of fiber optic communications, Routers, Switches, Wireless and IP Telephony systems. Expert level experience in configuring, managing, and securing current Windows enterprise level domain infrastructures (Windows Server 2008R2 and higher).
· Proven proficiency in the use of network monitoring or other optimization tools such as Solar Winds, NetFlow Analyzer, Cisco FirePOWER, etc.
· Experience with storage area networks, including configuration management
· Fluent both in English and Mandarin as it’s regional role

Salary: 2-2.5M+performance bonus

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :否
加班費制度: 比照勞基法

人資或徵才聯絡方式: Ruby Lin of Robert Walters, a global headhunting company.
Dir: +886 2 8758 0706
E-mail: [email protected]

Also welcome to refer any of your friends who might be interested in this role. We will provide NTD10,000 referral fee for each successful placement. : )

Tags: 加班

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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2017-08-11T11:17
想請教各位大大 小弟近期收到新鼎面試通知 職位為產品工程師 單位智慧製造的設施可靠組 有爬過文但大多電機工程師職位心得 小弟背景為普通國立電機碩 偏軟體設計背景 有幾點想請教各位先知 若不方便直接回應 非常歡迎站內信 先感謝大家回覆! 1. 該職務需要甚麼背景或技能比較適合(ex:英語能力..)? 2. 新人訓練完善? 3. 部門風氣如何? 4. 上、下班時間? 會常態性加班? ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2017-08-11T10:44
全名長到標題放不下, 英屬維京群島商匯才環球有限公司台灣分公司 這是上週 8/4面試的公司~ 應徵的職務是 System Engineer 系統工程師 到的時間比原本預約的還要早了一點, (約三點,但是我大概兩點半就到了) 空間就不說了,畢竟是人家公司內部問題, (不是批評,相關產業的應該會有點瞭解) 見到的面試官感覺人還不錯, (不知道是不是錯覺) 反正我沒有之前文章裡那種被洗臉的感覺, ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2017-08-11T08:43
部門加班是無加班費和補休 常常自己已經下班但是主管偶爾會打電話問公事 電話上聽起來不外乎就是你為什麼不留下來加班 但我在上班時間也都把今日該作進度完成並回報 部門有些人的確會留下來加班 但也只是坐在電腦上看看信或划手機 三不五時走動製造在場證明 如果看到主管打電話給你各位會怎麼處理 - ...

日本 Amazon 2017 臺灣徵才- SDE 缺

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2017-08-11T02:28
上次 po 心得反應熱烈,所以被招募抓來幫忙宣傳今年的徵才活動了...... 敝公司今年下半年也會在臺灣舉辦徵才活動,各位有興趣的話歡迎踴躍報名 (� ...

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Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2017-08-10T23:04
魯蛇我做了一個夢 夢中有一個朋友在某間公司工作 那間公司的特徵 公司最上方有一個長得很像龜頭的東西 聽說是老總的辦公司 因為老總總是說:我們要學習烏龜的精神 某年可能因為烏龜精神,所以手機訂單被鴻海整碗拿去 公司的一級專員以上沒有加班費 所以就狂升,升了一堆人到一級專員 節省加班費 一例一休之後 某些部門加班被要求走小門 而且不得有刷卡紀錄 因為走正門會有刷卡紀錄 該朋友的處長,叫底下員工們 ...