Roth IRA 本金計算問題 - 海外工作

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2020-09-13T22:22

Table of Contents

: 推 FRAXIS: 如果我把 pretax 401k 轉 roth 401k 然後再轉 roth ira 09/13 13:49
: → FRAXIS: 在 Roth IRA 的 withdrwal ordering rule 裡面 09/13 13:50
: → FRAXIS: 是當成 contribution? taxable conversion? non-taxable? 09/13 13:50


原本在 Roth 401k 裡,含有 contribution (basis) 、 earnings

假設完全沒有做 in-plan conversion (pre-tax 401k / after-tax 401k -> Roth 401k)

那麼根據 26 CFR § 1.408A-10 (3)(a) 可知

Roth 401k 中的 contribution 會直接變成 Roth IRA 的 contribution

earnings 會直接變成 Roth IRA 的 earnings ,兩者都不會變成

"有五年限制的 conversions"

但如果 Roth 401k 裡有 conversions,情況就有點複雜了

從 Notice 2010-84 Q&A (12) 來看

> Section 408A(d)(3)(F) of the Code provides that any distribution from a
> Roth IRA that is allocable to the taxable amount of a rollover to the Roth
> IRA (other than from another Roth IRA or a designated Roth account) made
> within the preceding 5 taxable years is treated as includible in gross
> income for purposes of applying the 10% additional tax under § 72(t).
> The 5-year recapture rule also applies if the rollover to the Roth IRA
> is from a designated Roth account and the distribution is allocable to
> the taxable amount of an in-plan Roth rollover made within the
> preceding 5 years. (See Q&A-12 of this notice.)

in-plan rollover 到 Roth 401k 的 conversion 會受到

五年限制,同時,如果把他從 Roth 401k 再次 rollover

到 Roth IRA ,也會受到五年限制

> Q&A 12: ...
> The 5-year recapture rule in this Q&A-12 does not apply
> to a distribution that is rolled over to another designated
> Roth account of the participant or to a Roth IRA owned by
> the participant; however, the rule does apply to subsequent
> distributions made from such other designated Roth account
> or Roth IRA within the 5-taxable-year period.

而且這個五年似乎是從 after-tax 401k -> Roth 401k 開始算起

而且既然同個 rule apply to subsequent


表示他的 non-taxable & taxable portions

應該是用當初 after-tax 401k -> Roth 401k 時的 basis


照這樣解讀似乎可以想成如果把 Roth 40k 轉進 Roth IRA

則裡頭的 conversions 就會彷彿一開始就是 convert 進

Roth IRA 一樣

不過這裡似乎沒有明確指出,這樣轉過去的 conversion 部份

在 ordering rules 到底是以何種順序被取出

年份是以當初 in-plan conversion 還是 rollover 到 Roth IRA 來算?

(我個人覺得似乎彷彿可能是以 rollover 到 Roth IRA 的那個年度算的)



All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2020-09-14T05:18
這也是我感到困擾的地方 如果有很多筆 pretax 401k ->
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2020-09-18T03:31
roth 401k, 然後之後又partial轉了 roth ira, 到底哪個
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2020-09-20T18:30
先放到Roth IRA,而不是轉到roth 401k 等快退休再轉到ir
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2020-09-23T23:30
理論上因為五年限制是從 401k -> roth 401k 開始起算
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2020-09-28T02:43
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2020-10-01T15:28
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2020-10-03T02:10
@steve1012: 放在 IRA 和 401k 還是有些區別
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2020-10-05T04:02
像是負債的時候 IRA 就比較容易被債權人拿走..
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2020-10-09T08:55
除此之外有的券商可能你離開美國就會想關掉你的 IRA
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2020-10-09T11:02
(視你離開後去哪個國家而定) 但 401k 比較不會這樣
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-10-11T10:59
IRA離開美國會被卷商關掉??? 那裡面的股票和現金會


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