RW 代外商徵Product Manager/ Growth Mgr - 工程師

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2018-05-08T05:24

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1QyCEfPV ]

作者: arashi233 (arashi233) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才] RW 代外商徵Product Manager/ Growth Mgr
時間: Tue May 8 05:22:46 2018

【公司名稱】RW 代外商徵Product Manager/ Growth Manager


【工作職缺】Product Manager/ Growth Manager

If you are infinitely curious and inspired to understand who the customers are, what they want to do and what they value most then you will feel right at home. This position will require you to use your boundless curiosity and thirst for insights to ensure that the services, marketing, and adoption plans are meaningful, engaging, and aligned with the customer's needs.

You will be responsible for driving the long-term success of Company’s product by developing and launching offerings campaigns and readiness programs that drive awareness, adoption, and advocacy.

1.Working with technical teams to articulate the value propositions, positioning statements and key differentiators of new service offerings
2.Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to execute the business & service marketing strategy
3.Drive awareness, understanding, and readiness with Customer Product Managers
4.Drive User retention & User referral

1.BA/BS degree with 5+ years' experience in internet or e-commerce industries, B2C experience preferred
2.3+ years in product management or product marketing management or growth marketing
3.Customer-centric mindset
4.Good English communication skills
5.Analytical skill is a plus, such as Google Analytics, SQL, Amplitude, R, etc.
6.Experience with UX and Prototype Testing is a plus
7.Software engineering background is a plus

【工作地點】Da’an Dist, Taipei

【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00–18:00



Annual package: 1.2 -1.5M annual depending on candidates’ profile


Send your resume to Ruby Lin
[email protected]


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RW 代外商徵Senior Java Engineer

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2018-05-08T05:23
※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1QyC9iWd ] 作者: arashi233 (arashi233) 看板: Soft_Job 標題: [徵才] RW 代外商徵Senior Java Engineer 時間: Tue May 8 05:17:29 2018 【公司名稱】RW 代外商徵Senior Java Engineer 官方網站:http://www.robertwa ...

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