RW 代外商徵Senior Frontend Engineer - 工程師

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-09-30T16:09

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【公司名稱】RW 代外商徵Senior Frontend Engineer


【工作職缺】Senior Frontend Engineer

1.You will collaborate closely with product teams, designers and engineers and become a valued member of an autonomous, cross-functional team
2.You will help the team plan, design and shape responsive web solutions
3.Build compelling front end user experiences that excite and delight our consumers
4.Enable product innovation through collaboration, evolution and experimentation
5.Challenge the status quo - we aren’t hiring to stay as we are, we want people that are here to shake things up and show us new ways of thinking



1.You have at least 3 years of professional experience working in a product-driven environment
2.You know how to build user-friendly, secure, data-rich applications
3.You have a deep understanding of current and emerging web trends
4.You care about agile software processes, test-driven development, reliability and optimisation
5.You are experienced with modern coding, testing, debugging and automation techniques
6.Experience with web technologies (JavaScript, HTML, CSS), and the latest web standards including HTML5 and CSS3, JavaScript frameworks (React/Redux) and tools (Webpack)
7.You are not afraid of understanding and contributing to areas outside of the browser and it is a plus if you have experience in mobile application development
8.You have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, and can communicate your ideas
9.You have experience working with backend engineers and designers when building user interfaces
10.At least Conversational English Level

【工作地點】Xinyi, Taipei / Industry : e-Commerce

【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00–18:00


Annual package: 1.2-1.5M (depending on candidates’ profile)


Send your resume to Ruby Lin
[email protected]


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