RW 代外商徵SW Team Lead - 工程師

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2018-09-30T16:13

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【公司名稱】RW 代外商徵SW Team Lead


【工作職缺】SW Team Lead

1.Lead a team of 5-10 engineers to efficiently develop Taiwan & Indonesia’s apps, mobile webs, websites, and admins.

2.Work closely with PMs in Taiwan and Indonesia (Mandarin speaking) to understand the needs from customers.



1.8+ years of professional experience building large scale frontend and related backend workflow, documentation, database and system analytics

2.Strong work ethics, positive attitudes, and a great personality that brings joy to work

3.Ability to identify and apply appropriate design and integration patterns to deliver complex business requirements

4.Experience and interest in leading and growing a team with an entrepreneur rather than employee mindset

5.Experience working with AWS and virtualization (Docker, Kubernetes) a plus

6.Experience working with SQL, relational databases, big data, graph database is a plus

7.Experience with service oriented architecture and REST based web service development

8.Experience working with Node.js and PHP backend development language

9.Experience working with Firebase / Crashlytics / Google analytics to track web/app daily usage

10Experience with Elasticsearch / Algolia search engine

11.Experience with React frameworks, React Native, NPM, Promises, ES6, and Webpack

【工作地點】Xinyi, Taipei / Industry : e-Commerce

【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00–18:00


Annual package: 1.4-1.8M (depending on candidates’ profile)


Send your resume to Ruby Lin
[email protected]


All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2018-10-01T16:13
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-10-04T05:28
1.4 team lead XD
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-10-08T19:26
local pay
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2018-10-11T19:19

迎台商回流 閒置地首批公告344筆

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2018-09-30T16:02 迎台商回流 閒置地首批公告344筆 【記者郭曜榮/台北報導】隨著美中貿易戰升級,台商調整布局,擬把產線轉往東南亞或 回流台灣,但有業者反映遇到缺地問題。經濟部清查後,28日公布閒置工業地合計344筆 ,面積約214.5公頃,又以中區的面積最大。 經濟部全面清查轄管62處工業區產業用地使用情形,並責成各工業區服務中心逐案 ...

電動車帶動被動元件需求 日韓大廠搶擴產

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2018-09-30T10:22
※ [本文轉錄自 Reewalker 信箱] 作者: Davichi5566 (如果從此不見面) 看板: Stock 標題: [新聞] 電動車帶動被動元件需求 日韓大廠搶擴產 時間: Sat Sep 29 19:59:36 2018 電動車帶動被動元件需求 日韓大廠搶擴產 (中央社記者鍾榮峰台北29日電)汽車電子趨勢帶動被動元件需求,預期電動車積層陶瓷 電容(MLCC)需求較一般燃油車增加近 ...

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Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2018-09-30T09:21 出版時間:2018/09/29 12:21 華邦電高雄路竹廠即將於10月3日舉行動土典禮。圖為台南辦公大樓。資料照片 記憶體廠華邦電公告,將砸下9億6633萬元啟動竹北辦公大樓以及高雄廠房增建工程, 將為擴大 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-09-30T05:25
幫朋友代po 大家好,我是剛工作兩年的工程師,最近剛換工作。想請問同亨科技這家公司好嗎?在網 路上很少有人討論。請各位大大有知道此公司資訊可告知嗎? 面試只知道晚上六點下班,上下班很彈性,有加班費可報。不知道福利和待遇如何 - ...

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Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2018-09-30T00:28
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