software developer positions @WalmartLabs - 海外工作

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-08-26T23:28

Table of Contents

A friend of mine works for WalmartLab and forwards the info.

Please contact Eli, [email protected] directly if interested.

What is @WalmartLabs?
@WalmartLabs, Silicon Valley's newly formed development lab, is a team of

60+ relevance / platform / application engineers, scientists and product

visionaries all working together to design, prototype and build

technology-driven products and experiences that will change the future

landscape of ecommerce. The team believes this to include: social, mobile,

community, integrated in-store experiences and much, much more. For more

information about @WalmartLabs, please visit

The team is currently working on the following next-generation Social

Commerce initiatives:

· Next-gen Shopping Search Engine (with built-in social indicators)

· Personalized Social Shopping Applications (Facebook, iOS, Android, etc)

· Social Genome; @WalmartLabs Proprietary Social Prediction Engine

· Semantic Analysis of the Social Stream (Data Mining, Machine Learning, NLP)

· Semantic-based Social Categorization Engine (Data Mining, Machine

Learning, IR)

· Real-time Social Filtration Engine (Hadoop, Cassandra, Big Data)

What opportunities are currently available @WalmartLabs?
The team is looking to grow by 30 to include the following junior to principal
level openings:

· Software Engineer, Relevance (multiple) -

Semantic Analysis, NLP, Machine Learning, Data Mining, IR, C++, Java

· Software Engineer, Platform (multiple) -

Real-time Fast Data Processing, Highly Scalable Distributed Systems,

Cassandra, Hadoop, C++, Java

· Software Engineer, Big Data (multiple) - Hadoop, Huge Data Processing

(Petabytes), NoSQL Databases, Java

· Software Engineer, Products/Frontend (multiple) - Facebook Apps, iOS Apps,

Android Apps, Consumer Product Design, Ruby, RoR, MySQL, Javascript

· Software Engineer, Applications (multiple) - Java, Ruby, RoR, MySQL,



All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-08-31T12:38
這是之前在Mountain View的Kosmix呢,蠻不錯的!

Software engineer at PayPal (eBay Inc)

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-08-24T09:53
代Po 朋友在PayPal (eBay的子公司) 工作地點在San Jose (N 1st St靠近CA-87的那個campus) 她的部門有大量的Software Engineer職缺 包括各種level (entry level ~ experienced) New ...

紐約聖誕市集珠寶銷售員 (已徵到)

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-08-23T02:00
大家好! 目前徵... A. 紐約當地PT珠寶銷售員數名 - 適合放寒假沒有回台灣的同學. B. 包住宿外地珠寶銷售員一名 - 適合住台灣想要來紐約遊學/玩的同學 ...

國外新開夜店徵求表演Dancer! 待優!!

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-08-22T12:12
有經驗佳!活潑外向!適應夜店PUB文化! 工作地點:新加坡 每一檔期3個月,也可長期配合 底薪(約4萬~4萬6) + 表演小費獎金 = 每月約7~12萬 本公司為最早經營� ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-08-22T11:10
最近拿到INTEL的工作,所以搬到加州的Folsom居住, 想要多認識一些人,也有一些買房的問題想請教, 不知道有沒有人也住這裡,歡迎與我聯絡! 謝謝 -- --

保Renter's Insurance要注意什麼嗎?

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-08-22T09:25
※ 引述《cantatas (鴿子)》之銘言: : (不知道有什麼更合適的版,所以先PO這邊,如有問題我再刪除) : 我住的公寓沒有強制要求,但強烈建議房客購買 ...