Sony Corporation 2014年暑期海外實習 - 福利

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2014-02-14T14:26

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實習期間:2014/7-2014/8 具體可協商


進入該網址提交申請表格(For students from Taiwan)

Job Title:
Software Engineer for Sony Professional Products

Job Description:
Sony’s Professional Solution Business Group is seeking a talented software
engineer to join their team as a summer intern. The main tasks will be as
-Develop PC/Mac multi-platform application software, for customers who are
using Sony’ professional products (i.e. camcorder, AV-deck), as a member of
the team.
-Prototype and develop new attractive functionality as a professional tool.
-Experience agile software development.

Product Category:
New generation audio-visual content management software for professional
customers (e.g. broadcasters, video photographers).

Requirement Skill:
-Basic knowledge of software programming, especially C++ languages.
-Experience with audio and video processing, if possible.
-Working on Windows and Mac OSX.
-Verbal and written communication skills in English.
-Cooperativeness - ability to work with team members.
-Passion on developing new professional tools that can attract Sony customers.
-Bachelor or Master degree candidate
-Major: Computer science

Job Title:
External Relation Staff

Job Description:
Sony’s Corporate External Relation Division is seeking a suitable talent as
summer intern.
Sony and group companies encounter business issues such as restrictions,
regulations and legislations which require advocacy with the government,
industry, trade-associations, or the chamber of commerce. Corporate External
Relation Division (CERD) monitors and proceeds to remove conflictive
Based on the above action of CERD, CERD expects the intern to support CERD
members to improve Sony's business environment through "Analysis of the
public and government policy", "Drafting the position of Sony to the public
and government policies" and "Advocating and lobbying Sony's position to the
stake holders".

Product Category:
Network services and several products related to the policy matter (not
specified yet)

Requirement Skill:
-Basic Legal knowledge
-Basic Economics knowledge
-Basic knowledge of legislative process
-Communication in Japanese (reading / speaking)
-Communication in English
-Bachelor degree candidate is preferable

進入該網址提交申請表格(For students from Taiwan)


All Comments


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2014-02-14T11:10
求職季即將來臨,您對於海外的工作機會有興趣卻不得其門而入嗎? 日本AGC集團將針對台灣理工科系人才進行海外招募, 不要求日文能力又可以到日本 ...

MBA找工作 - 這一年來的瘋狂面試(1)

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2014-02-13T16:40
[原文恕刪] 我來給原 po 打個氣 我是 06 年 MBA 畢業之後在美國工作的台灣學生 現在是某個旅館業 SaaS 的 Senior Product Manager 算跟原 po 找的工作性質接近 (� ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2014-02-12T21:11
※ [本文轉錄自 WorkanTravel 看板 #1I-oZpwS ] 作者: yhlin (fight) 看板: WorkanTravel 標題: [情報] 日本WH沖繩潛水店徵人 時間: Wed Feb 12 15:55:28 2014 地點: 日本沖繩� ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-02-10T23:43
徵願意外派菲律賓馬尼拉的女性主管、月薪十萬、試用期月薪八萬 住宿機票等福利另計。 派駐相關福利(4次免費返台機票/30天返台休假/高級單人套房/ ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2014-02-10T14:02
求職季即將來臨,日本AGC集團將針對台灣理工科系人才進行海外招募, 不要求日文能力又可以到日本上班的機會,值得把握喔!! 有興趣可報名參加以下�� ...