SW engineer opening @ Insieme Network - 海外工作

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2012-12-08T03:56

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[CTUAA] SW engineer opening @ Insieme Networks

Dear Alumni,

Insieme Networks was founded by Silicon Valley entrepreneurs
Mario Mazzola, Prem Jain, and Luca Cafiero. We are looking
for SW engineers with 1-5 years experience in embedded system
programming. We will also consider new EE/CS graduates with good GPA.

preferred experience:

1. Good C programming skill, best with register level
2. Familiar with C++
3. Linux device driver, kernel, boot loader
4. Tcl or other scripting language experience is a plus
5. Networking processor or complex micro processor programming experience is a plus
6. Hgh-end system diagnosis and bring-up experience is a plus

Please send resume to [email protected].



All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-12-11T21:15


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2012-12-03T10:21
請教一下,有人在這一間工作過嗎? 我看工作內容是要到新加坡 在去之前還要繳一筆費用,我有一點擔心 所以po上來問一下,google也找不到有用的資 ...

Toshiba 全球招募

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-11-30T21:31
不好意思 因為在下猶豫再三很久 竟然拖到現在才寫完資料表(如果中止報名就好笑了) 不過報名中遇到了一個大問題 稍微搜尋了一下應該沒有OP吧 麻 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2012-11-29T13:43
由於小弟退伍在即,且希望應徵在東南亞外派工作 其中有間成衣廠提供一份外派柬埔寨的工作 查了一下該公司廠區在金邊 想請問幾點問題 1.小弟畢業� ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-11-28T11:24
我想要離開台灣去新加坡工作 有辦法在台灣先找好工作嗎? 還是人要先過去才有辦法找呢? --


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2012-11-19T09:03
您好 請問有版友是外派在國外的遠雄人嗎? 有問題想請教 請出個聲唷 謝謝~ --