Taiwan builds biotech runway - 生技

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-06-10T00:05

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Nature Biotechnology 27, 490 (2009)

Taiwan builds biotech runway
Susan Aldridge

Taiwan's government has announced the launch of a $1.76 billion venture
capital fund as part of a comprehensive 'biotechnology takeoff package' aimed
at putting the country on Asia's biotech map. The National Development Fund
will have a 40% stake in the venture with the private sector contributing the
rest. "We have a lot of early-stage discovery [in Taiwan] but a mechanism to
commercialize it has been lacking," says Chong-Chou Lee, director of the
biotech office in the government's science and technology advisory group. "We
need this package to [bridge the gap between discovery and] clinical trials
and then think about partners for tech transfer." Taiwan urgently needs an
innovation-based biotech business to replace its manufacturing-based
information and communications technology (ICT) industry. Taiwan's pool of
medical professionals and well-equipped facilities have so far attracted
companies such as Novartis of Basel and London-based GlaxoSmithKline, who
have set up clinical R&D centers in the capital. But Taiwan's limited
domestic market has meant that growth in the biopharma sector has been
modest. With the newly launched venture capital fund, any biotech project
with commercial potential, based in Taiwan, stands a good chance of being
supported, provided the products eventually make it to the global market.
"Innovation in biotechnology here is growing, but the challenge is to connect
the local with the global," says Chung-Cheng Liu, general director of
Biomedical Engineering Research Laboratories (BEL) in Taipei, the largest
nonprofit R&D organization in Taiwan and part of the Industrial Technology
Research Institute (ITRI). The fund will support the drive towards
commercialization with measures aimed at strengthening the country's
infrastructure by, for instance, setting up preclinical testing labs and
establishing the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration to bring the regulatory
environment to international standards. Biotech incubators will be created
within existing science parks, positioning biopharmaceutical companies near
the Academia Sinica (the Taiwanese National Institutes of Health) in Taipei,
medical device firms close to BEL in the Hsinchu area and agricultural
biotech at a site in south Taiwan. The venture fund is looking to boost the
number of licensing deals. For example, the German firm Boehringer Ingelheim
has recently signed an agreement to develop Taipei-based AbGenomics' novel
monoclonal antibody to treat autoimmune diseases, and BEL and the National
Taiwan University Hospital have inked a deal with Exactech, an orthopedics
company located in Gainesville, Florida, to use a cartilage repair platform
developed locally.


Tags: 生技

All Comments

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-06-14T19:08
推妳的整篇翻譯 簡潔有力
David avatar
By David
at 2009-06-18T21:29
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-06-20T16:59
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2009-06-23T00:16
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-06-25T12:33


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2009-06-09T18:40
請問各位女性的研究助理 你們會請生理假嗎?? 因為我每個月生理期的時候都會痛 吃了止痛藥也一樣 所以我幾乎每個月會請一天 但是...會被白眼 可是真 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-06-09T17:05
之前上104或是1111甚至yes123擴大條件範圍搜尋位於台中的生技公司 有打算找業務工作 不過都沒有相關公司資料或是只有一兩家 實驗室裡有蒐集業務名 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-06-09T16:22
【職缺名稱】碩士級研究助理 【徵才單位】中研院分生所 【工作地址】中研院分生所N217室 【工作內容】以小鼠及線蟲為實驗對象,進行基因改造,以�� ...


John avatar
By John
at 2009-06-09T16:14
想請問各位版友 有沒有人把研究助理這份工作 當成終生的職業??? 如果能在醫院當研究助理 是不是能將這份工作做一輩子??? --

長庚大學中醫系 陳建霖醫師實驗室

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-06-09T12:35
招募單位:長庚大學中醫系 陳建霖醫師實驗室 招 募:碩士級研究助理 工作內容:研究計畫執行及相關行政事務 研究主題:中藥成分對心血管疾病的�� ...