Tax Return - 海外工作

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-03-27T03:07

Table of Contents

Sorry I cannot type in Chinese.
My friend and I went to file our tax on 3/11.
The CPA told us we will have Fed. Tax return in 10 days.
My friend got it on 3/20 but I still do not get anything.
CPA told me I can check with but I dont know how to check the status.

Does it take so long because I got randomly auditted and I need to prepare
more document or it always takes longer? (my friend was shocked she got it in
10 days) The only difference between my friend and I is I have OPT and H1
stauts and she only has OPT and my income is a bit higher than hers.
(CPA told me I can get $3,000 back)

Can anybody answer my question??



All Comments

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-03-29T04:33
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2009-03-29T20:33
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2009-03-30T07:52

Single with 0 allowance?

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2009-03-26T09:13
我現在未婚、沒有小孩, 這樣算是single with 0 allowance嗎? 還是我可以把我自己算進去, 算是single with 1 allowance? 因為我2008前半年在學校裡當assistant, �� ...

"責任制"和"時間制" 的英文

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2009-03-25T13:43
不知道可不可以 po 在這裡, 如果不行的話麻煩板主通知我, 我會自行刪掉! 謝謝 :) ---------- 分隔線 ---------- 如題, 想請問責任制 和 時間制 的英文 已經 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-03-25T11:40
我們今年要補聯邦稅一千多元,但想買房以適用 First-time homebuyer credit (佐以 Form 4868 Extension). 請問我該現在先補繳欠稅,以避免到時積欠過久的利息過�� ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-03-25T10:48
請問哪裡有明確條文註明這個方案)可以適用在今年報 2008 return? 剛跟學校的稅務 advisor 聊,她堅持是明年才能申報(2009 return) Form 5405 也的確沒有�� ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-03-23T12:52
我是在New York念電機系 暑假想要找加州的internship 之前聽說 如果有朋友住加州 最好是用加州的地址申請intern的工作 不知道這個說法是否正確 或是我� ...