Turn Your Internship into a Job - 海外工作

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-04-18T09:51

Table of Contents

Business week 的文章: Turn Your Internship into a Job

More companies are treating internship programs as extended job interviews
for full-time positions. But unlike a straightforward interview, it's not
always clear who you have to impress or how the decision maker will
evaluate you.

To help you figure out how to turn your internship into full-time
employment, we asked for advice from former interns at companies on
BusinessWeek's list of 50 Best Internships—young people who secured
full-time jobs with these companies in past three years. Their responses,
which ranged from practical (“ask questions”) to ambitious (“ask for
more work”), are compiled in this slide show.

長篇全文: http://0rz.tw/213Tp


All Comments


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2008-04-17T16:21
我目前F1學生身分 目前在學 持有工作簽證 去年只part time工作幾個月 今年要繳稅 朋友介紹我一個會計師幫我處理稅務 目前退了我CA State Income以及Federa ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2008-04-17T10:59
有一個疑問存在好久 到底碩士畢業有工作後,能不能直接先辦綠卡而不辦工作簽證? 之前一直有聽某些朋友說可以,如果在OPT能延長到29個月的狀態下 用EB ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2008-04-17T09:52
各位版上的朋友們好 由於最近看到了UNPAID INTERN話題 小的想藉此請問版上朋友的意見 近來拿到的INTERN機會也是UNPAID 由於是在別州工作 是以屆時可能要� ...

unpaid intern需要申請CPT嗎?

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-04-16T08:28
關於之前的問題.. 今天又去問了OISS...看來依規定真的無能為力了... 但我後來提到unpaid intern OISS回覆說若是unpaid intern的話不用申請OPT 看起來又出現點 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-04-15T20:29
各位版友好 筆者正進行有關海外工作者的學術論文撰稿 由於精華區提供的資料都是 and#34;實務and#34;上找海外工作方式 而我要的是 and#34;描述and#34; 海� ...