Two job opportunities - 海外工作

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-01-15T23:25

Table of Contents

This headhunter contacted me few months back, and she has been sending
me some job opportunities which seem quite appealing. If you are in the
market research industry and would like to be in contact with her,
regardless of the job opportunities provided below, please let me know.

As for H1B, I am not sure if any of them can do sponsorship, but it
won't hurt to give it a try, if you are very interested.

Here is what she sent to me:

Job #1:
. looking for an analytical researcher for an exciting global experience

Our client, a global analytics and consulting company, is looking for a
smart, adventurous researcher/ analytics professional to be based in Saudi
Arabia for 6 months. This unique opportunity begins with an assignment in
Saudi Arabia acting as a retail/ loyalty marketing analytics consultant for
a variety of clients. After returning to the states, the position would be
based remotely. Relocation packages include fully covered housing costs
overseas, a personal driver, and international flights home on
a monthly basis.

This is a client-facing role, targeting a wide range of profiles with
analytical skills, a mix of quant./ qual research experience, and a desire
to travel internationally. Experience with SAS is a plus.

Job # 2
2. a client-side opportunity based in Denver, CO

Our client is seeking a primary researcher responsible for uncovering
actionable insights for their global marketing and product development
teams. Located near Denver, CO, this position affords the opportunity to
join a sophisticated internal research team, conducting a mix of qual./
quant. primary and secondary research, and managing all aspects of the
market research project design. Ideal candidates have some experience on
the client-side.


All Comments


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-01-11T15:50
各位親愛的鄉親世大 小弟黃大胖我最近參加了一個網路影片比賽 這段影片是從我三年前去西非布吉納法索當替代役時拍的紀錄片中擷取出來的 看看�� ...

H1B Premium Process 要多久

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-01-11T14:32
我OPT 2/16到期 之前公司幫我申請H1B還沒下來 所以這週申請了premium process H1B 想問一下這樣的話大概多久可以拿到H1B 還有如果有gap的話是要回台灣嗎?! ...

Product requirements document是什麼意思?

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-01-02T19:04
Dear 各位有經驗的學問家 請問and#34; Product requirements document (PRD) and#34;是什麼意思? 通常一個公司是誰在執行PRD? RD研發人員對於PRD之間有何關係? 謝謝 感� ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-01-01T20:46
我今天也剛好在搞這個 很簡單 開啟控制台 點選網路 找到區域連線 按右鍵 內容 找 TCP/IP 在按內容 dns輸入 確認就可以了 ※ 引述 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-01-01T07:40
※ 引述《shuusaku (出口)》之銘言: : ※ [本文轉錄自 NewYork 看板 #1D43SkY4 ] : 作者: shuusaku (出口) 看板: NewYork : 標題: [問題] 關於消費糾紛 : 時間: Tue Dec 21 1 ...