Ubiquiti Networks誠徵軟體工程師(switch - 工程師

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2018-03-31T00:29

Table of Contents

代Po, 勿寄站內信

公司名稱: 香港商 優比快 台灣分公司 https://www.ubnt.com/
公司地址: 台北市信義區松仁路105號12樓

職缺: Sr. Embedded Software Engineer (Unifi Switching product)
薪資: 年薪120萬以上 ( 依經歷及能力面議 )

* Unifi Switch https://www.ubnt.com/unifi-switching/unifi-switch-8-150w/
* Unifi Controller https://demo.ubnt.com/manage/site/office

Sr. Embedded Software Engineer (Unifi Switching product)

- Deliver new upcoming Unifi Switch product.
- System-level C programming including but not limited to user and
kernel space, library, daemons, parser and networking protocols.
- Work with hardware team from BSP level, kernel OS level and up to
networking software application level.
- Direct communicate with forum customer closely to implement desired
new feature and bugfixing.


- Minimum of 4 years of software development experience.
- BS / MS in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering.
- Strong C language and experience in networking industry and switch
or router development including but not limited to low-level integration
and turnkey solution.
- Knowledge of operating system internals, object-oriented design, as well
as strong debugging skill on embedded-systems.
- Good team player who can work both independently and also as a team with
ability to take initiative.
- Ability to organize and prioritize work across several projects
- Able to think broad and discuss in software architectural level.
- Aggressive working attitude with great communication skill and curiosity.

- Knowledge of OpenWrt framework is a plus.
- Experience in BSP and Linux device driver development.
- Experience in agile software development process.
- Understanding of dataplane processing and performance enhancement is a plus.
- Knowledge of SDN, virtualization, and NOS technology such as
ONL / SnapRoute / Cumulus Network / OpenSwitch is a plus.

有興趣請寄英文履歷至 [email protected]


All Comments

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2018-04-03T10:34
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2018-04-07T03:46

Offer 請益(AMI、軟體公司)

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2018-03-30T22:45
美商安邁 軟體公司 職缺 BIOS工程師 C#軟體工程師(全端) 公司產品 BIOS Vendor 企業電子帳單寄送、EDM寄送系統(主要客戶為銀行 ) 薪資 N x14 (N-1) x 13 福利 七天彈性放假 國內外員工 ...

Intagram in Terminal

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-03-30T21:37
嗨大家好! 因為之前上班都是在server上處理事情 所以假如要看instagram的話 就只能滑手機等等 但總覺得怪怪的 所以我隨手寫了一個可以在 Terminal 裡面看IG的小CLI https://github.com/billcccheng/instagram-terminal-news-feed 只是一個隨手好笑的小玩具 請大家不要太認真XD 假如有違反版規 我會刪除文章 ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2018-03-30T21:23
一般來說it設權限不給裝清除軟體 只好先把要刪的刪除 再不斷複製20g的其它檔案塞滿c槽 然後丟資源回收桶刪除 重覆7次! 請問這樣能覆蓋掉原先刪的檔案嗎? - ...

offer請益 (南科群創\南科律勝)

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2018-03-30T20:26
小魯私碩畢業,最近有拿到2份offer,無法下定奪 請版上各位百萬年薪,人生勝利組是否有什麼想法可以跟小弟說 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 公司    南科群創D廠          律勝科技 職位    製程設備工程師       研發工程師(副研究員) 地點      南科  ...

日文N3 私校中段光電物理畢業 茫然求指點

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2018-03-30T20:07
1. 本職學能不錯的人,靠語言加分找到不差工作 2. 專業能力強,語言不算好還是找到好工作 3. 語言能力夠用,先去當個客服洗經歷(3xk) 之後往上跳 小弟出社會不久,只看過類似這幾種模式 重點說穿了還是本身的學經歷和專業能力/本職學能,這些是你的主菜 語言能力只能算是附餐和甜點 在那邊花心思把沙拉擺盤得再漂亮,主餐是組合肉的話一點意義都沒有 要語言能力,你能比的過語言科系嗎? ...