Video editing, Image editing, Web design - soho

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2009-06-23T07:36

Table of Contents

公司名稱:MiDisk Corp.
   公司地址:Michigan, United States
   備  註:Company mainly focus on producing graduation disk.

◎聯絡方式∕對象:Please contact Peter, you can whether use Chinese or English
in the email both is fine.
Contact Email: [email protected]

◎徵求條件:We are currently looking for a talented, motivated person/group
to build a long-term cooperation overseas. Ideal candidates should have
experience in the following areas:
1. Programming experience (at least one of the following)
Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut, Vegas 8.0 or above, FTP
2. Foundamental English reading and listening
3. Experienced in graduation disk production or related working experience
will help more!!!

◎徵求期限:Before July 19th

◎交件時間: 2 Weeks

◎酬勞:Differ from case to case, 1000TWD~20000TWD

◎酬勞發放日:Right after the project if done.


◎工作內容 : Tweaking and optimization of graduation disk content

◎備註: We are looking forward to see you!


Tags: soho

All Comments


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-06-23T04:53
由於自己最近要擺個攤子來賣,但本人的美術非常濫,因此想請人設計, 不知道只是一個小小的攤位設計,大概跟爆米花、飾品的攤位差不多大而已= = ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-06-22T19:16
每一位板友的黃頁資料,只要不違反板規、站規及法律,都將編入精華區, 讓大家多一個曝光機會,或能夠幫助更方便尋找適合的請教對象、合作夥�� ...

jcase 兼差外包網-資訊軟體相關類,查詢一筆50元

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-06-22T08:22
jcase兼差外包網-資訊軟體相關類, 可幫忙查詢案件喔!! 一筆只要50元, 它的案件量基本上來說還算不錯, 但因為臨時被公司安排接� ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-06-21T21:53
我是個高職設計科剛畢業的學生, 在開學的這段期間想做點自己能做的簡單soho工作, 雖然有點早...但單純的想試試看^^ 順便幫自己的能力與設計認知�� ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2009-06-21T00:05
請問~ 小弟最近有個3D動畫與角色設計案子 我屬於被A公司外聘的專案設計~ 但是由於專案的主要業主與A公司解約~ 我只是A公司的合作廠商~ 以上原因導 ...