Web Developer / Access Developer - 海外工作

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-09-22T09:06

Table of Contents

Web Developer & Access DB Developer wanted.

This is an entry to mid level posotion.
One of the following experience is required:

* ASP.NET AJAX (PHP experience a plus)
* MS Access form/report/query

Location: Queens, NY

If you are interested in the position please email the resume to:
[email protected]

* NO H1B support


All Comments

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2011-09-23T22:09
NO H1B support就不用貼了 CS有身分還會找不到工作嗎 = =
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-09-28T01:42
連H1B都不support 可見待遇之差 可想而知 ...
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-10-02T17:04
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-10-06T22:04
當然不是全部 只需要一點點本事就可以找到了...
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-10-09T09:56
我見過類似的公司就算不確定有客戶還是會support h1b
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-10-13T08:09
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-10-14T09:57
他也只是闡述一個普遍的情形 是沒有100% 貴公司待遇應該
待遇很好 大家快衝吧~
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-10-19T01:28
到底是誰脫節.... H1B不support 又想找外國人 ...
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-10-21T20:09
當然不是一定 但是support H1B根本沒花多少錢
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-10-26T04:49
不support 擺明就是達不到薪水要求 不然以紐約物價花個7萬
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-10-28T12:28
請一個programmer 會在意多花2%的錢去辦理H1B ?
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-10-31T18:32
這又不是GC 這擺明是要拐剛畢業的OPT
一定要我講得這麼明顯嗎 ?
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-11-05T01:22
當然啦 如果這公司帳目有問題 想逃稅幹嘛的 是不會想扯H1B
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-11-07T16:53
唯一有可能會出正常薪水 又不support的情況
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2011-11-09T18:19
但事實就是 外國人就是需要H1B 你們公司既然不support
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-11-12T15:02
我們看了也是看心酸的 當然我相信板上也是有很多強者不需要
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-11-17T01:05
H1B sponsorship 但現實就是 這是台灣(人)的bbs 大部份會看
到你的Job Opening的人 還是需要H1B的
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-11-21T07:43
對啦 還有一種情況是政府機密研究 要公民才可以的
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-11-22T21:27
你知道美國人有多少人可以做asp.net嘛 ? 這又不是啥高門檻
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-11-24T16:44
我其實不太了解 你說你是客戶端 然後說不確定哪間公司要做
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2011-11-25T01:56
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-11-25T04:13
我好想增廣視野 想知道有啥情況是不允許支持H1
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-11-26T02:37
我講的那些都是可以公評的 絕大多數的情況都是這樣
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-11-30T08:11
那不是啥偏見 你認為你的情況不同 你可以提出證明
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-12-04T06:15
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-12-06T19:14
公司最喜歡正面思考的 剛畢業拿OPT的小朋友 畫啥餅都吞的
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2011-12-08T16:53
這我也很了解 XD


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-09-18T21:24
請問有外派機會或是中國公司在韓國需要徵人嗎? 想出國工作 謝謝 -- --

Export Purchaser

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-09-17T03:49
Company: Tzeng Long USA Inc. www.tzenglong.com www.clc.com.tw Location: Fairfield, NJ Position: Export Purchaser(Business development specialist) Requirements: ...

Professional Resume Writing Services

John avatar
By John
at 2011-09-16T04:00
請問,有人用過 Professional Resume Writing Service 嗎? 有推薦哪家嗎? 我的 Resume 已經給 writing center 和朋友改過, 不同的朋友對 resume 也有不同的意見, ...

Front-End Web Developer - CA

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2011-09-15T04:03
代po Full Time Front-End Web Developer - good salary + stock + benefits - Pasadena, CA Spokeo.com is looking for a talented and experienced full-time Web Application Developer to work on our Ruby ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-09-14T10:16
我記得之前有人寫了一篇關於搬家公司的文章 我爬了很久的文卻沒找到.. 能不能指點我一下在哪裡能找到那篇文章 最近有朋友要搬�� ...