Web Developer/Programmar-Irwindale,CA - 海外工作

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2015-05-14T07:54

Table of Contents

Web Developer/Programmer

Company in Irwindale of CA is currently looking for a full time Web

A minimum of 3 years of proven experience in the development, production and
maintenance of a dynamic, complex, multi-user Web site, preferably in higher
Knowledge of script and program in ASP.NET (C#), PHP, Javascript.
Demonstrate excellent skills in MSSQL or similar database, web server
administration (IIS or Apache), Visual Studio, or other Web authoring
Experience and advanced working knowledge of user interface design (including
HTML & CSS) is required.
Experience with Windows and Linux servers.

Please forward your resume to [email protected]


All Comments


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2015-05-10T21:29
情況: 2014年8月底拿綠卡 海外收入andlt;99,200 銀行存款少到可以忽略 無其他收入 去年只有到關島5天 剛才使用報稅軟體(Handamp;R Block delu ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2015-05-07T08:40
不好意思佔板面一問 最近收到喬治亞州退稅 但與我們當時申報退的金額不同 以往不曾發生過 請問這是我們報錯然後官方發現所以更改了金額嗎 當然我 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2015-05-05T11:58
以下為代PO 意者或任何問題歡迎與Email指定Address聯絡 請勿站內信 謝謝 資格需求: MS degree in mechanical engineering; or BS degree in engineering plus two years experience ...

有人聽過Remonix Properties Limited嗎?

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2015-05-01T00:38
小弟近期準備至香港工作,開始先在一些租屋網上看房子, 在找尋的過程中有間房子擁有不錯的價格和地段,進而屋主聯絡(未透過仲介), 屋主是說�� ...

Re: 海外工作--有關景觀設計相關行業?!

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2015-04-27T14:25
a大說的應該是一般的園藝工人或是園藝裝修公司 原po問的應該是Landscape Architecture 兩者稍有不同,園藝工人很多amigo在作 華人也是,一般住家都是找這� ...