WFC 誠徵 Quantitative Trader - 加班

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2018-02-08T17:06

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1QT-YWNz ]

作者: chin33z () 看板: Soft_Job
標題: Re: [徵才] WFC 誠徵 Quantitative Trader
時間: Mon Feb 5 13:16:12 2018

公司名稱,統編(中華民國以外註冊可免填): 雯豐資產管理


職缺: Quantitative Trader

‧ 1+ years work experience in C/C++
‧ 2+ years work experience in Python, Matlab, or R, working with large
datasets in statistics and machine learning.
‧ Bachelor's degree or above in any of the following: engineering, math,
statistics, econometrics, operations research, computer science, or physics.
‧ English proficiency NOT required.
‧ Must be extremely motivated by tremendous upside potential, and
willingness to take calculated risk.
‧ Strong interest in financial markets and trading and competitive desire
to beat the market.

‧ Develop quantitative trading strategies using statistical models to
capture market inefficiencies.
‧ Monitor and maintain trading strategies in production to profitability.
‧ Manage an independent P&L book and lead a team of engineers, data
scientists, junior traders, and clerks.
‧ Decide profit sharing percentages for rest of trading team.

員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) :否

薪資(月薪): 年薪60-120萬

年終獎金計算方式: profit sharing 架構

工時: 每天8小時

每日工作時間: 08:30AM~18:00PM (午休1.5小時)

每周工作時間: 40



Please email your resume to [email protected]

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All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2018-02-13T11:59

<美商Cisco思科校園招募>Component Engineer

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2018-02-08T15:40
代PO,勿站內信 andlt;美商Cisco思科校園招募andgt;Component Engineer 此and#34;校園and#34;招募職位,月薪為新台幣10萬元起~ 台北全職(Full Time) 職缺- Component Engineer | 申請截止日:2018年3月31日 | 此次主要招募對像為材料科學,工程類碩士 ( 電機工程, 材料工程, 化學工程, 機械工程, 應用科學 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-02-08T07:54
│桃園某機構勞資爭議案 (後續)│ 接續前篇文章,此案廣泛引起基層夥伴關注,於此補充最新進度。 該案業已於上週 01/30 (二) 於市政府召開 #勞資調� ...

德國50萬人罷工!資方妥協加薪4.3% 工時35

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-02-07T05:46
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1QUQfHNM ] 作者: befly10015 (befly) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 德國50萬人罷工!資方妥協加薪4.3% 工時35 時間: Tue Feb 6 21:14:54 2018 德國爆發50萬人罷工!資方妥協加薪4.3% 每週工時35→28小時 ettoday 國際中心/綜合報導 「如果吃到了肉 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2018-02-06T22:34
最近面了幾個再搞 AI 的職位, 大概都是九點上班六點下班(表定), 可是主管都說大家常常留到七八點而且都責任制, 目前是聽說google沒有這樣而且滿自由的。 -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!簽名檔破555000點擊率啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fw: [問卦] 電影:決勝21點的機率問題 #1MfN3FgZ (joke) → yee ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2018-02-06T22:31
各位大大好,目前已在工程界待了兩年有半,最近有兩個新offer,猶豫是否要換,都在 台北,就未來性,福利和工時cp值可否給點意見呢? 泰x(目前公司) 電機工程師,月薪4xk,年終3~4個andamp;3節獎金andamp;禮券andamp;禮盒andamp;員旅,加班有加班費。 new offer: 1.schneider-panel sales,年薪約110w,責任制,福利未知。 2.亞泥 ...