WHO 關於 H7N9 的 FAQ - 大陸工作

By Puput
at 2013-04-05T12:54
at 2013-04-05T12:54
Table of Contents
8. How can infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus be prevented?
Although both the source of infection and the mode of transmission are
uncertain, it is prudent to follow basic hygienic practices to prevent
infection. They include hand and respiratory hygiene and food safety measures.
Hand hygiene:
Wash your hands before, during, and after you prepare food; before you eat;
after you use the toilet; after handling animals or animal waste;
when your hands are dirty; and when providing care when someone in your
home is sick.
Hand hygiene will also prevent the transmission of infections to yourself
(from touching contaminated surfaces) and in hospitals to patients,
health care workers and others.
Wash your hands with soap and running water when visibly dirty;
if not visibly dirty, wash your hands with soap and water or use an
alcohol-based hand cleanser.
Respiratory hygiene:
Cover your mouth and nose with a medical mask, tissue, or a sleeve
or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing;
throw the used tissue into a closed bin immediately after use;
perform hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions.
9. Is it safe to eat meat, i.e. poultry and pork products?
Although we do not yet know the mode of transmission,
it is prudent to follow basic principles of hygienic food preparation,
as follows:
Diseased animals should not be eaten.
Otherwise, it is safe to eat properly prepared and cooked meat.
Because influenza viruses are inactivated by sufficient heating,
normal temperatures used for cooking (such that food reaches 70°C
in all parts— "piping" hot — no "pink" parts) will kill the virus.
In areas experiencing outbreaks, meat products can be safely consumed
provided that these items are properly cooked and properly handled during
food preparation.
The consumption of raw meat and uncooked blood-based
dishes is a high-risk practice and is discouraged.
Always keep raw meat separate from cooked or ready-to-eat foods
to avoid contamination.
Do not use the same chopping board or the same knife for raw meat
and other foods.
Do not handle both raw and cooked foods without washing your hands
in between and do not place cooked meat back on the same plate
or surface it was on before cooking.
Do not use raw or soft-boiled eggs in food preparations
that will not be heat treated or cooked.
After handling raw meat, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
Wash and disinfect all surfaces and utensils that have been in contact with
raw meat.
2. What are the main symptoms of human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus?
Thus far, patients with this infection have had severe pneumonia.
Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath.
However, information is still limited about the full spectrum of disease
that infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus might cause.
1. 發燒
2. 咳嗽
3. 急促的呼吸
3. How many human cases of influenza A(H7N9) virus have been
reported in China to date?
As of 3 April 2013, seven laboratory-confirmed cases have been detected
in China. Details of the most current information on cases can be found
in Disease Outbreak News.
: To date, the total number of confirmed cases of human infection with
: influenza A(H7N9) virus in China is 11, including 5 deaths.
: More than 400 close contacts of the confirmed cases are being closely
: monitored. Thus far, none of them have developed any symptoms of illness.
7. How did people become infected with the influenza A(H7N9) virus?
Some of the confirmed cases had contact with animals or with an animal
environment but the virus has not thus far been found in animals.
It is not yet known how these persons became infected.
The possibility of animal-to-human transmission is being investigated,
as is the possibility of person-to-person transmission.
—— 尼采:在世紀的轉折點上
8. How can infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus be prevented?
Although both the source of infection and the mode of transmission are
uncertain, it is prudent to follow basic hygienic practices to prevent
infection. They include hand and respiratory hygiene and food safety measures.
Hand hygiene:
Wash your hands before, during, and after you prepare food; before you eat;
after you use the toilet; after handling animals or animal waste;
when your hands are dirty; and when providing care when someone in your
home is sick.
Hand hygiene will also prevent the transmission of infections to yourself
(from touching contaminated surfaces) and in hospitals to patients,
health care workers and others.
Wash your hands with soap and running water when visibly dirty;
if not visibly dirty, wash your hands with soap and water or use an
alcohol-based hand cleanser.
Respiratory hygiene:
Cover your mouth and nose with a medical mask, tissue, or a sleeve
or flexed elbow when coughing or sneezing;
throw the used tissue into a closed bin immediately after use;
perform hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions.
9. Is it safe to eat meat, i.e. poultry and pork products?
Although we do not yet know the mode of transmission,
it is prudent to follow basic principles of hygienic food preparation,
as follows:
Diseased animals should not be eaten.
Otherwise, it is safe to eat properly prepared and cooked meat.
Because influenza viruses are inactivated by sufficient heating,
normal temperatures used for cooking (such that food reaches 70°C
in all parts— "piping" hot — no "pink" parts) will kill the virus.
In areas experiencing outbreaks, meat products can be safely consumed
provided that these items are properly cooked and properly handled during
food preparation.
The consumption of raw meat and uncooked blood-based
dishes is a high-risk practice and is discouraged.
Always keep raw meat separate from cooked or ready-to-eat foods
to avoid contamination.
Do not use the same chopping board or the same knife for raw meat
and other foods.
Do not handle both raw and cooked foods without washing your hands
in between and do not place cooked meat back on the same plate
or surface it was on before cooking.
Do not use raw or soft-boiled eggs in food preparations
that will not be heat treated or cooked.
After handling raw meat, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
Wash and disinfect all surfaces and utensils that have been in contact with
raw meat.
2. What are the main symptoms of human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus?
Thus far, patients with this infection have had severe pneumonia.
Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath.
However, information is still limited about the full spectrum of disease
that infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus might cause.
1. 發燒
2. 咳嗽
3. 急促的呼吸
3. How many human cases of influenza A(H7N9) virus have been
reported in China to date?
As of 3 April 2013, seven laboratory-confirmed cases have been detected
in China. Details of the most current information on cases can be found
in Disease Outbreak News.
: To date, the total number of confirmed cases of human infection with
: influenza A(H7N9) virus in China is 11, including 5 deaths.
: More than 400 close contacts of the confirmed cases are being closely
: monitored. Thus far, none of them have developed any symptoms of illness.
7. How did people become infected with the influenza A(H7N9) virus?
Some of the confirmed cases had contact with animals or with an animal
environment but the virus has not thus far been found in animals.
It is not yet known how these persons became infected.
The possibility of animal-to-human transmission is being investigated,
as is the possibility of person-to-person transmission.
—— 尼采:在世紀的轉折點上
All Comments

By Victoria
at 2013-04-09T14:56
at 2013-04-09T14:56

By Brianna
at 2013-04-11T11:47
at 2013-04-11T11:47

By Ophelia
at 2013-04-14T20:55
at 2013-04-14T20:55

By Megan
at 2013-04-15T19:17
at 2013-04-15T19:17

By Lauren
at 2013-04-20T11:13
at 2013-04-20T11:13
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