三星矽谷軟體研發中心工程師(約聘) - 加班

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2013-07-25T03:22

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[北美] 三星矽谷軟體研發中心工程師(約聘)

1 Front-End Developer/Programmer for Javascript, Web APIs and services (contractor, 3-6 months and potential extend to 2014)
Position summary Technical professionals are defined by what they create. Samsung has the risk-taking corporate culture, strategic R&D investments, and global know-how to imagine, develop and market products that lead the industry. Samsung’s Advanced Technology Lab (ATL), located in San Jose, is currently recruiting world-class engineers and research scientists who share our “Innovation Through Passion” philosophy and thrive in a fast-paced, results-driven environment.
The candidate will contribute to an R&D team focusing on next generation convergence for Samsung’s connected devices and associated services. The ideal candidate will have over five years of industry experience in the areas mentioned below. The candidate should have a keen interest in using metadata in device and cloud service environments. The ideal applicant should be familiar with metadata for multimedia content as used in devices and the cloud as well as metadata extraction technologies from
semi-structured and unstructured (text) sources.
The candidate should have a strong desire to work on problems with real-world potential and impact. Implementation skills and the ability to create prototypes thru to pre-product code are also desirable. The candidate will be part of a research lab located in San Jose, CA.

Common essential duties and responsibilities
财 Very strong skills using JavaScript
财 Strengths in HTML, JSON, and AJAX
财 Experience working with popular frameworks like jQuery, a plus would be experience in TimelineJS, TimesheetsJS, and Meteor.
财 Understanding of Linked Open Data and OO concepts in JavaScript context
财 Experience with linking Web-based applications to databases using mySQL and SPARQL, web APIs and web services.
财 5+ years in web application development. Front-End Developer with Back-End Service experience.
财 Knowledge of client/ server frameworks/ structure - such as networking, web services, and XML.
财 Experience with data structures (database, caching, synchronization), including client/server data networking.
财 Expertise in the area of device-to-cloud communication using common web technologies (HTTP, etc.)
财 (Optional) Prior technical experience in dealing with semi-structured and unstructured data processing
财 (Optional) Experience on android app development is a plus

Necessary skills / Attributes
财 BS/MS CS or related field is required.
财 Expertise in one or more of the areas:
贯 Convergence (device to device communication)
贯 Multimedia applications (image, audio, video, streaming)
贯 Social Networking
贯 Cloud Computing/ web service
贯 Metadata
贯 Social Network and Cloud services
贯 NER (Named Entity Recognition)
贯 Semantic web/ ontology search
贯 LOD (Linked Open Data)
财 Excellent communication skills and willingness to deliver rapid prototypes in a short timeline.

基本上約聘是先三個月, 然後延到年底, 之後根據專案一次可能續一年. 表現好有缺有可能轉正職.
這幾年迅速擴張中不過我的組還不算大, 所以最好可能有多個領域的技能.會和 6-8+ 名同事包含博士研究者以及工程師一起工作.

信件標題: Apply for ATL Content Convergence Javascript Developer
希望回信確認可加註 "Reference: PTT Oversea Job, please confirm."
但受限時間可能審核完可能只簡單回覆"pass (不繼續)" "not enough related research experience" 等..

Please send resume to George Hsieh ([email protected])
在矽谷很多資深軟體工程師是約聘職的. 感覺和台灣的約聘生態不太一樣. 我們幾位約聘的資深軟體工程師平均十年以上年資. 有些人甚至比較喜歡約聘. 因為時薪通常較高而且加班有加班費. 而且約聘都是要請即戰力年資太淺一般還不要.
坦白來說穩定性當然要比正職差一點, 但就像實習一樣有入門磚, 一般約聘轉正職會比從公司外部近來容易 (看公司). 雖然約聘 OPT/H1B 也可不過個人建議沒身分的還是找正職比較穩定. 或是儘速找機會轉正職.

Tags: 加班

All Comments

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-07-29T04:32
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-07-31T11:30
推回來 有需要這麼小鼻子小眼睛嗎
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2013-08-02T22:55
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2013-08-04T17:37
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-08-06T13:33
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-08-08T17:27
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2013-08-11T11:31
聽美國的同事說 矽谷三星研發中心規模相當大
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-08-13T09:03
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-08-16T00:13
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2013-08-19T03:16
SJ三星好像很操 我房客三星的 常常加班到半夜


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2013-06-25T21:28
※ 引述《Vassar32 (Vassar)》之銘言: : 非常感謝兩位的建議。 : 報稅方面: : 這個老闆以前是合作過的(當時有拿 1099),但去年幫她做的東西他沒給我 10 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2013-06-25T06:42
非常感謝兩位的建議。 報稅方面: 這個老闆以前是合作過的(當時有拿 1099),但去年幫她做的東西他沒給我 1099 , 金額不多,但報稅的時候我還是�� ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2013-06-07T03:33
※ 引述《CathyFlower (不是凱西不是花)》之銘言: : 我是女生 : 29歲 : 未婚 : 大學念歷史 : 研究所念社會科學 : 都是台灣學位 : 工作經驗一年 (一年外商銀� ...

新加坡ETT人才培訓計畫 留學+工作

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2013-05-24T20:23
※ 引述《nkhc456 (190好高喔~)》之銘言: : http://mrjacky.com/singapore/yf5dl9 : 新加坡國際菁英人才專業培訓計畫 : 由新加坡1000家知名企業贊助 : 來台徵才實施�� ...

新加坡ETT人才培訓計畫 留學+工作

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-05-21T21:59
http://mrjacky.com/singapore/yf5dl9 新加坡國際菁英人才專業培訓計畫 由新加坡1000家知名企業贊助 來台徵才實施培訓計畫~工作機會多元~優良的職場環境 �� ...