上市外商Laser/Vacuum Coating PM - 工程師

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-05-27T17:19

Table of Contents


Job title: Laser / Vacuum Coating Product Manager


The target of this position is to expand the product portfolio of the company
within the tft display, touch sensor and OLED manufacturing in the area of
laser / vacuum coating processing. Besides its strong market position in the
area of wet chemical processing the company is aiming to make use of it′s
international core technology abilities in the area of laser processing by
developing new applications within the business unit Display.

In this position the candidate is responsible for defining customer needs,
analyzing competition, developing new market opportunities, and executing
business cases by cooperating very closely with the laser technology experts
in Germany and transferring technology to the local development teams in

This role requires an individual with strong business and technical knowledge
of laser processing equipment coupled with display, touch panel, OLED or
related industry experiences.

The Laser product manager will report to the VP of Display BU and will work
closely with technology and sales team in Taiwan, China and Germany.

Major areas of responsibilities:

‧Identify competitive advantages
‧Identify customers’ need and expectation and define our product definition
‧Analyze and interpret marketing trends concerning technical products
‧Collect the market size/scale of specific products
‧Identify and analyze key competitors
‧Collaborate with technology, design engineering and sales team to develop
product within target schedule
‧Design and develop strategies for new product launch and promotion
‧Prepare product documents including market requirement documents and
product use cases to drive product activities
‧Manage and communicate with cross functional international teams


‧Excellent oral and written communication skills both in Chinese and English
‧Strong project management skills
‧Creative thinking and innovation with analytic problem-solving ability
‧Highly collaborative, team-player, excellent strategic planning ability
‧Availability for high-frequent travel in Taiwan, China and Germany.


‧University degree in science or engineering
‧Master degree is highly desirable
‧Profound knowledge about laser/ vacuum coating processing equipment
Minimum 5 years industry experience in display, touch panel or related
‧International equipment company work experience is a plus

Working hours:
Mon-Fri, 9AM~6PM 周休二日

Working location:

1.5M+ NTD annual



聯繫人: 陳小姐
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 02-7737-5118* 662


All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2013-05-30T07:43
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-05-30T20:09
這不是老鐘嗎 你怎在這 = =
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2013-06-01T10:43


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2013-05-27T16:35
今天收到tsmc寄來的一封mail XXX先生您好, 我是台積電14廠的員工,在104人力銀行裡得知您目前正在找工作, 目前台積電有設備工程師職缺,附上台積電制式 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2013-05-27T15:19
如題,最近能不能去實習的結果好像陸續在通知了... 朋友有兩個收到上了,害我好擔心嗚嗚 順便一提兩個都是南科QQ -- posted from android bbs reader on my HTC ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-05-27T13:48
如題 最近收到電話通知 想問問看有沒有人了解或在這家公司工作過!! 謝謝 -- 標題 [新聞] 與顏清標對戲 房祖名超緊張 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-05-27T11:00
請問大家華碩好 有前景嗎 跟紅茶店比? 華碩感覺最近賺很多耶~~ 產品一直創新, 台灣之光耶~~ --


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2013-05-27T10:39
Hi 各位前輩、先進 小弟目前有個很難抉擇的offer,都屬於SI,在職中 (A 公司) 目前公司屬於MA導向(維護案)每個工程師身上平均背負10~15家客戶的責任 �� ...