上海 astrill 掛了 - 大陸工作

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2016-03-18T09:30

Table of Contents

※ 引述《nikeidman (ne)》之銘言:
: 有沒有版友也在上海使用astrill?
: 我的目前完全無法使用,有人有相同狀況嗎?

我的iphone astrill也掛好久 前陣子寫信問客服可以退費嗎
結果按照客服回函安裝open vpn後就可以使用了

1. Make sure all devices are running the latest version of Astrill
Application available till date.

‧ For PC/Mac/Linux download the latest version here:
https://astrill4u.com/download.php Please disable any Antivirus/Firewall
during the reinstallation.
‧ For Android use this direct link:
‧ For iOS devices we have removed the application from Chinese Store. Change
the Apple Store location to Hong Kong or any other region to get access to
the App.
‧ Follow these instructions on changing app store location:

2. On the Astrill Application for PC/Mac/Linux/Android use StealthVPN Mode.
On Router use RouterPRO If it fails to establish connection. Try the possible

Under Settings>StealthVPN Options
‧ Reliable (TCP) Port 8292, 444, 53 or Fast (UDP) Port 80, 443, 8692
‧ Try the following server locations: Denver 2, Fremont, Buffalo, San
Francisco, New York.

If StealthVPN/RouterPRO fails to connect. Go to Astrill Application>Help>Show
Logs. In the logs if you notice the following error.
[Error] TLS Error: TLS handshake failed

This is due to bad routing from the Internet Service Provider and can be
easily fixed by restarting the ISP Modem.
Turn off the modem for 2-3 minutes and turn it back on. It will get the new
routes from ISP.
Now it will be able to connect to Astrill.

For iOS/iPad use the following configuration.

First and foremost perform the following step on your iOS and iPad.
On iOS device, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
Restart the device.

Install OpenVPN Connect from Apple Store, the official, free OpenVPN client
for iOS developed by OpenVPN Technologies, Inc.

1.) Login to our website using your iOS device and go to Members Area>VPN
Services>OpenVPN Certificates. URL:

2.) If you wish you can create new certificates for iPhone or you can use
existing OpenVPN certificates/OVPN configs just fine.
You can type iOS as a Description and then tap on Add to my certificates

3.) Tap on the iOS blue folder to expand certificates folder, and select any
VPN server location of your choice.

4.) Tap on Open in "OpenVPN" button. This will import OVPN config file into
OpenVPN Connect iOS app.

5.) Tap on + (green plus) button. This will save and configure OVPN config
file into OpenVPN Connect iOS app.

6.) Tap/Slide on OFF button to connect to Astrill OpenVPN.

7.) You will see status change from Connecting to Connected.

NOTE: Do not use Split Routing for China because this is for PC only.


All Comments

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2016-03-22T12:18
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-03-26T22:34
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2016-03-28T07:20
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-03-31T13:41
找一下免費明燈.. Lantern
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2016-03-31T17:26
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-04-01T03:45
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2016-04-04T19:03
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2016-04-07T12:29
astrill4u.com 不需要連vpn就能上!專門給中國的

初次到上海工作, 該如何抉擇?

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2016-03-17T14:10
各位前輩大家好, 小弟目前處在換工作的困惑階段, 想請大家幫忙提供點意見: 現職在台中工作, 年資8年, 年收約 1150kNTD, 傳統機械業, 女友一般行政工作, 月薪30k, 如果我有去對岸工作的話, 會傾向結婚生子, 讓他專職在家帶小孩。 現在談到的工作的薪資 月薪74kNTD 分42 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-03-17T12:36
各位好 以前在台北的時候下班會習慣去市民運動中心 跑跑步重訓或者游個泳 會選擇市民運動中心主要是因為他是計次收費 比較適合我不定期的習慣 想請問一下各位大大 閔行/龍佰/七寶 地區有類似的單次計費健身房嗎? - ...

永東巴士車票 香港機場-華訊航空(龍崗線)

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2016-03-17T12:06
[物品] 永東巴士車票 香港機場-華訊航空(龍崗線)單程車票一張 [售價]:800 (包台灣地區掛號郵資) 香港機場到華訊航空 /麗灣酒店的商務轎車單程車票 工作轉換原因不會再用到此條線路 現有剩餘車票一張 詳細車次時刻表可參考 網站 上午八點半到下午七點半 約一小時一班 經沙頭角口岸 使用期限到今年 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2016-03-17T10:00
小弟不才剛好住西麗附近 這邊房價這幾年狂漲~當年我租屋的時候一平米一萬八千有找 現在都破五萬了! 租金也是節節高漲 不知道你在西麗哪個區塊,之前有板友來找我也帶她轉了一圈! 簡單的說西麗周邊可以這樣區分 1.西麗地鐵口周邊---andgt;366大街 留仙居一帶 一房一 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2016-03-17T02:22
目前拿到一間陸企公司的offer,有特殊性、金融it產業、但不是銀行、、內地市場廣大、 也有他的競爭性、但在考量生涯規劃、這種產業台灣完全沒有、考量5~10年終究要回台 灣、但台灣這時要怎麼接軌、你的經歷跟產業在台灣沒有相同產業的狀況下、除非賺飽回 台灣退休、請問板上的大大有面臨相對的問題嗎?還是就回不來了、 ...