上海Zebra工作機會 - 福利

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2022-05-17T09:57

Table of Contents


公司名稱: Zebra(斑馬)


產 業 別:公司登記營業類別




1. The Product Development Electrical Engineer will be responsible for
contributing to the electrical subsystem design and development within
portable handheld computers and accessories for mission-critical enterprise
2. Work with North America, Taiwan, and China-based ODM product development
teams to develop and apply technical and quality-based improvements that meet
product requirements for Enterprise-Class Mobile Computing devices.
3. Work on electrical circuit design, including PCB layout, troubleshooting,
and provide leadership to others in resolving system test issues.
4. Use status as a fulcrum in hardware design and across multiple engineering
disciplines to provide technical support to a given program.
5. Travel to ODM’s factory for on-site support.

1. Excellent written and oral communication skills in both English and
Mandarin. Ability to work independently with motivation and self-direction.
2. BSEE with 5+ years of relevant experience.
3. Experience of 3+ years with integrating embedded processors, memory
systems, and audio systems into mobile devices.
4. Experience in capacitive touch panel and display design.
5. Experience with batteries and charger design.
6. Experience in the regulatory test methodology.
7. Experience with wireless network device implementation/design
(802.11b/a/g/n, cellular band modems, and Bluetooth) is a plus.
8. Knowledge of radio frequency and antenna design is a plus.
9. Experience in high-speed signal design and ability謌o perform high-speed
simulation is a plus

Tags: 福利

All Comments


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2022-05-16T21:38
版上的大家給妳很多回應 但彷彿看到我幾年前第一份工作在猶豫要不要離職時的徬徨, 覺得自己也可以給你一些過來人的經驗分享 常常有人說離職是一股衝動,但我個人是持反對看法 可以離職,但絕對不是因為因為遇到阻礙,或者短期的衝動疲乏焦慮而草率的下決定 離職應該是一種強而堅定的意念 你應該要想想,既然要離職 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2022-05-16T11:39
工作沒有不委屈的, 到哪裡都一樣, 心態調整好, 到哪裡都無敵, 你需要學習的是心態的調整,心態調整是可以練習的. 以上是我的處方. ※ 引述《lllucyyy (lucy)》之銘言: : 先自我介紹 : 26歲 女生 國立資訊相關科系大學畢業 : 本身是中部人 畢業後面試上某台北大公司資訊部門 目前做了3 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2022-05-16T11:27
※ 引述《lllucyyy (lucy)》之銘言 : 先自我介紹 : 26歲 女生 國立資訊相關科系大學畢業 : 本身是中部人 畢業後面試上某台北大公司資訊部門 目前做了3年多 年薪大概80多萬 未 : 來大概每三年可以跳快10萬 差不多可以穩定跳到120萬碰頂 : 本來想說有機會做到退休,因為工作內容與福利 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2022-05-16T09:14
這種月經文大家看得都很…… 其實要不要離職,有個思考順序可以遵循 1.你有沒有錢(存款)或負債? A.有錢沒負債:恭喜,不爽就走吧!做的那麼幸苦幹嘛?休息幾天再去找理想的工作 吧…… ps.那存款要準備多少?最少要月費*6個月,例如:2.5萬*6個月=15萬,保證半年不會 餓死。 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2022-05-16T01:41
先自我介紹 26歲 女生 國立資訊相關科系大學畢業 本身是中部人 畢業後面試上某台北大公司資訊部門 目前做了3年多 年薪大概80多萬 未 來大概每三年可以跳快10萬 差不多可以穩定跳到120萬碰頂 本來想說有機會做到退休,因為工作內容與福利都還算滿意 直到幾個月前長官將一個同事建的垃圾系統(需求由同事 ...