中國的交通銀行徵資深團隊經理 - 大陸工作

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2015-09-24T19:47

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10/1想回家,哈哈哈~ 我們可以不談論這個話題嗎...傷心啊...T______T




Senior Co-branded Card Team Leader

Location: Shanghai

Responsibilities & Duties:
1. Help setting and accomplish annual targets
2. Maintaining the existing partnership and customer relations,
help review key co-branded cards’ annually and quarterly business.
3. In charge of product function development and service update,
especially in Civil Service Card.
4. Responsible for planning and implementation of new channel strategy.
Planning and implement the marketing campaign of the co-branded cards with
the special features and preferences; Responsible for management and
optimization of joint card sales strategy, Combined with marketing campaign
to enhance sales performance in different regions.
5. To evaluate the cooperation between the branch and the other channel.
To develop new co-branded card products and to manage the new products' launch.
Ensure to improve communication, coordination and support in all internal departments.
6. To manage and optimize co-branded card sales strategy. Combined with
marketing promotion activities to enhance sales performance in different regions.

1. Bachelor degree or above
2. 8 years’ experience in credit card business, banking industry or
retailing industry is preferred.
3. Have Strong written and verbal skills, Negotiation skills, logical
thinking ability, and mature personality. Accuracy with numbers is essential.
4. Have strong client management skills, sales management skills, project
management skills, analytical skills, product innovation and business development capabilities.
5. Proficient in Microsoft Office, especially in PowerPoint and excel.
Be proficient in English.

If you are interested please feel free to forward your C.V. to
[email protected]

Thank you for your consideration and looking forward to hearing from you soon~

Have a good day~!

Sindy Liu
[email protected]
+86 18513852052
WeChat: SindyLiu52052


All Comments


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-09-23T22:03
十一長假來了~~ 各位辛苦的台勞們 公司放幾天呀??? 純屬好奇想了解台商是不是真的給假很摳門 先說說我自己 佛山傳產外貿業務 從10/1-10/4,只放四天... 認識的上海朋友以及貿易商客人都放七天 另外,珠海或廣州有沒有推薦的吃螃蟹餐廳~ 秋天到了想吃蟹...... -- Sent from my ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2015-09-23T19:56
在浙江辦門號、想要開通國際漫游、聯通營業廳說要繳保證金500rmb、而且不可扣抵話費。記得在廣東似乎是免費的。有在浙江的版友分享一下經驗嗎? -- Sent from my Android - ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2015-09-23T18:30
由於公司規定,廠內只能帶老人機,所以原本的智慧型手機只能在外面或是回家用,但是 每次都要拔sim卡真的很煩,所以現在果斷辦了兩張sim卡,一張純電話公司用,一張有月 租費加全國上網,不過智慧型手機只有用上網的功能電話都沒在打,突然覺得有月租的似 乎有點浪費(雖然金額不是很高)但總有吃虧的感覺,有沒有人知道有沒 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-09-23T08:59
※ 引述《likebu (atat)》之銘言: : 十一月中要到福州 師大旗山校區考試 : 因此想問問版上熟悉大陸環境的前輩們關於福州交通 : 1.福州長樂機場-師大旗山校區的交通方式 : 目前找到長樂機場搭快線搭到阿波蘿酒店,再從阿波蘿酒店 : 搭89號公交車到師大旗山校區 : 人生地不熟,想問前輩這方式可 ...

北京朝陽新人 (找房中

Una avatar
By Una
at 2015-09-23T02:14
◎帳  號:a0998709 ◎暱  稱:Verna ◎性  別:女 ◎生  日:81/03/01 ◎台灣居所:新北市 ◎登陸日期:2015/10(預計 ◇大陸住所:尋找中,希望找到公司附近 ◇公司性質:招聘諮詢 ◇職  稱:菜鳥助理顧問 ◇返台頻率:未知 ◇休假制度:週休二日 ◇薪資 ...