中研院 蛋白質體暨醣質體分析核心設施 徵才 - 生技

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2008-08-20T11:16

Table of Contents

【職缺名稱】 Proteomic Research associate and MS Technician Positions

【徵才單位】 NRPGM Core Facilities for Proteomics & Glycomics and
Academia Sinica Common Mass Spectrometry Facilities
(基因體醫學國家型計畫 蛋白質體暨醣質體分析核心設施/

【工作地址】 Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica.

【工作內容】 Successful applicants will be actively involved in the
further development and applications of quantitative
proteomic and glycomic techniques to a host of biological
systems, with particular emphasis on phosphoproteomics,
glycoproteomics and cysteine modifications.
Options are available for focusing on developing mass
spectrometry techniques including data acquisition\
and analysis, or to walk through the entire proteomic
pipeline for advanced applications.

【徵才條件】 Experienced young scientists and motivated fresh
graduates at PhD and MSc levels from biochemical sciences
and/or chemistry backgrounds interested in building a career
in proteomic related fields are invited to apply for technician
and research associate positions with the Mass Spectrometry
Facilities for Proteomics and Glycomics located at the
Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica.

【薪資待遇】 比照國科會,但可面議 (博士級 55,000起,碩士級 35,000起)

【聯絡方式】 Enquiries and send CV by E-mail :
To : 張惠文 女士 <[email protected]>
Cc : 邱繼輝 博士 Dr Kay-Hooi Khoo <[email protected]>

【其他備註】 For more information, please vist our websites.

Tags: 生技

All Comments


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-08-19T19:24
今天看到工作契約 才發現不能兼職 根據and#34;國立台灣大學建教合作計畫約聘僱助理人員服務簡則and#34; --研究助理:專任,須以全部時間擔任本計畫工� ...

國防醫學院 臨床醫學研究部 徵碩士級研 …

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-08-19T11:00
謝謝大家踴躍的寄信,目前已經找到新助理了唷 請大家不要再來信了。 如果有再寄信,恕不再一一回覆。 ※ 引述《dearvtsg (我的小小水晶蝦)》之銘言� ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-08-18T20:07
課業問題請移駕相關板面 原文刪 --

Re: 工作前發現自己生重病..

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2008-08-18T19:52
我想我回覆這篇好像不太恰當 (我也是職場新鮮人,現在都還沒找到工作) 但是原PO現在應該很慌才在這裡尋求大家的意見 所以PO出想法希望對原PO有點幫�� ...


David avatar
By David
at 2008-08-18T14:32
【職缺名稱】餐具檢驗工讀生 【徵才單位】台大環安衛中心 【工作地址】台大校園 工作內容 餐具澱粉及脂肪殘留檢驗 【徵才條件】 有責任感、 ...