交大電機培訓班-LTE Overview and LTE Ad - 工程師

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2013-08-23T12:00

Table of Contents

LTE Overview and LTE Advanced
特別聘請 業界專家 李國鈞博士
【課程名稱】LTE Overview and LTE Advanced

【授課講師】業界專家 李國鈞博士


LTE (Long Term Evolution) has become the 4G mobile wide area network
technology. LTE not only provides high speed data transmission but also
offers many other services, such as voice telephony, location based service,
multimedia broadcast service, etc. LTE-A (Long Term Evolution-Advanced) is
to upgrade LTE to further increase data rate and enhance the LTE features.
This course will cover the above perspectives of LTE and LTE-A in three parts:

- LTE fundamentals (Day 1: 3 HRs)
o PHY layer
o Layer 2: MAC, RLC, PDCP
o Layer 3: RRC, NAS
o LTE call set up example

- LTE services (Day 1: 3 HRs)
o Circuit Switched Fall Back
o IMS: Voice, SMS and RCS
o Location based service (LBS)
o Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (eMBMS)

- LTE-Advanced features (Day 2: 6 HRs)
o Carrier Aggregation
o Enhanced DL MIMO, UL MIMO
o Enhanced inter-cell interference coordination (eICIC)
o Minimization of Drive Tests (MDT)
o Self-Organizing Networks (SON)
o Machine-Type-Communication (MCT)
o Relay Node
o Home eNB enhancement
o Data service enhancement
o Inter-working WLAN (IWAN)
o Coordinated Multipoint (CoMP)

【授課時間】2013-09-16 (一) ~ 2013-09-17 (二)

【授課地點】新竹科學園區 科技生活館2F牛頓廳

報名截止日 2013-09-12 截止

【報名方式】線上報名 : http://web.cm.nctu.edu.tw/~cnc/registration.html

★更多課程訊息詳見交大電機培訓班網頁 : http://web.cm.nctu.edu.tw/~cnc/

【聯絡方式】張小姐 03-5712121分機31747 ; [email protected]


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Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
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