交通大學生物資訊研究所 徵生物資訊/計算生物 博士後研究員 - 生技

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2006-08-02T15:24

Table of Contents


A postdoctoral fellow is available in my research group (see
http://life.nctu.edu.tw/~jkhwang) in the general area of computational
biology or bioinformatics. Our work, funded by the National Science Council,
is concerned with computational structural biology, computational proteomics
and other related research topics. The candidate should have a doctorate in
any of the following: Computational biology, biology, chemistry, physics,
biophysics, computer science or the equivalent, and experience in
computational methods (informatics and simulation methods) as applied to
biological systems. Expertise in computer programming (in C/C++, PERL or
others) and operating systems (Linux or FreeBSD) is required. Knowledge of
machine learning methods, statistical analysis or molecular simulation would
be an advantage. Strong written and verbal communication is required. Our
computer lab is well equipped with PC clusters and peripherals.

The position is intended for initially for one year and will be extended, by
mutual consent, for a second and third year. The salary range follows NSC
qualification standard. The Applicant should send a letter of application
with curriculum vita and arrange for two or three letters of reference to be
sent either by surface or electronic mail to

Professor Jenn-Kang Hwang
Institute of Bioinformatics
National Chiao Tung University
Hsinchu, Taiwan

Email addresses: [email protected]
Office: 03-513-1337
Fax: 03-572-9288


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Tags: 生技

All Comments


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2006-08-01T23:45
實驗室裡已經堆積了許多在運送medium時為保持低溫而使用的保麗龍大箱子 ,這些保麗龍製成的箱子是不能回收的, 不知道大家的實驗室對於這些垃圾都 ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2006-08-01T19:55
各位大德.... 問一下是否大家知道 and#34;吉帝藥品and#34; and#34;天義藥品and#34; 這兩間公司 無奈我被人家問到了 可是我周遭也沒有人了解這間公司 � ...

課本 教科書

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2006-08-01T18:14
雖然在這裡po很不恰當, 不過我很快就會自D 想請問有沒有人有:食品衛生/環境衛生的課本呢? 如果有相關講義or課本, 可以mail給我 謝謝 -- 如果沒有了雲.. ...

什麼是臨床資料處理專員(Clinical Data Manager)?

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2006-08-01T15:13
詳細的工作業務大概是怎樣呢? 恩....跟CRA會差很多媽? 公司對這個工作有什麼期望呢? 希望有大大可以說明一下經驗... thanks --

請問一下 青輔會上是不是有研究助理的徵才資料阿?

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2006-07-31T11:39
目前人在台北 但是九月會回高雄 想要找研究助理的工作 聽說青輔會上有公告此類相關的徵才訊息 但是我找不到 因此想問問 還有就是哪裡會有比較多�� ...