代PO徵才Guidewire Software - 海外工作

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2014-12-11T10:17

Table of Contents

My Company has several software engineer and QA automation engineer openings.
We are located in Foster City, California and we are writing software for P&C
insurance company.Our customer base includes Geico, AIG-japan, Suncorp, etc.
The list of job openings and the corresponding job description can be found in
Btw, Our software product is written primarily by Java.

I am currently working here as a QA automation engineer and my team is eager
to fill several QA engineer spots that we currently have.
If you are interested in any opening, please send your resume to
[email protected]
so that I can send you the jobvite referral to get your application on top of
those non-referral candidates.

Good luck,



All Comments

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2014-12-14T02:43
提醒一下上面那個連結最後多了一個點 把點去掉才看的
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2014-12-16T12:07


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