代外商徵IT System Engineer (Streaming) - 加班

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2016-06-07T11:31

Table of Contents

[公司名稱] RW代外商徵IT System Engineer (Video Streaming)

官方網站: http://www.robertwalters.com.tw

[工作職缺]: IT System Engineer (Video Streaming)


Company Overview:

A leading multinational gaming company looking for an IT System Engineer in Ta
ipei. The company provides its employees with the best working environment, le
adership, and training in order to help employees succeed in their job and to
make positive career progressions.

Job Responsibilities:

뜠 To support and manage the networking, firewall and system level security
뜠 To plan web application deployment infrastructure and install, deploy and
monitor required solutions into Windows system.
뜠 To assist with the analysis of high availability requirements, technology
improvement opportunities, and IT operational improvements.
뜠 To provide support to stabilize, monitor and troubleshoot system and netw
ork infrastructure including hardware and software

Key Requirements:

뜠 5-8 years relevant experience
뜠 MCSA or MCSE is highly desirable
뜠 Demonstrable experience in Windows Server applications
뜠 Experiences with written SQL queries or done SQL reporting is a must
뜠 Experiences with Windows/Flash media encoder
뜠 Experiences with use of FFMPEG on Wowza and Real Time Messaging Protocol
(RTMP) is a plus
뜠 Experiences with HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
뜠 Excellent English communication and interpersonal skills
뜠 Strong customer service mindset
뜠 Proactive and self motivated

[工作地點] 台北市內湖區

[工作時間] 9:30 – 17:30; 加班費以勞基法為準

[薪資範圍] 1M – 1.3M


뜠 Open and flat culture that lets you make real impact
뜠 Friendly and collaborative work environment
뜠 Performance-based yearly bonus
뜠 Additional meal and travel allowance
뜠 Overseas training


[email protected]

If interested, please send your resume to Jennifer Fu. Please don’t hesitate
to contact me with any questions!

Look forward to hearing from you!


All Comments

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2016-06-08T02:50
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2016-06-11T11:06
這種薪水 留在台商就好啦
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2016-06-14T05:38
5-8年 1-1.3M 台廠薪水搞不好還比較高
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2016-06-19T00:18
Una avatar
By Una
at 2016-06-23T12:08
在台廠都嫌低 嘻嘻
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-06-27T04:32
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2016-06-30T07:29
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2016-07-03T01:28
這工時真不錯 薪水也ok 有加班費也給推 這算mis缺?
David avatar
By David
at 2016-07-05T10:27


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2016-06-07T00:57
版上各位大大好 小弟南部國立科大機械碩 於過年後開始找研替 第二階段沒有滿意公司 直到第三階段才要媒合 目前有兩間公司 希望版上先進給點建議 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2016-06-07T00:14
※ 引述《eric922293 ()》之銘言: : 徵金融IT工程師(深圳),歡迎有志在大陸發展的金融IT及資工人士加入 : 工作福利 : 底薪45000-65000元,工作獎金。 : 享�� ...


John avatar
By John
at 2016-06-06T19:25
各位大大好 最近有機會面試宏全國際-東南亞經營幹部職缺 想請問板上是否有人有類似經驗分享 如果有錄取想請問裡面工作風氣和福利如何 據說要先� ...

世曦 電機部門

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2016-06-06T17:46
各位版友安安 小弟日前在世曦的人才招募上看到這個職缺 而這間公司的電機部門在版上很少有人討論 想請教看看待過的先進們 部門的工作氣氛和加� ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2016-06-06T12:53
小魯最近有上一間杭特電子 在汐止 有大概看了一下這間公司 大多在弄安控系統 硬體賣監控設備 軟體寫相關的 我不是本科系的 血統不純 還是私大 ...