內推KLA(CA) Apps Development Engineer - 福利

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2022-01-16T12:11

Table of Contents

最近公司半導體量測Optical Critical Dimension(OCD)部門開了幾個缺要招
資深/主任Apps Development Engr.
老闆希望我幫忙找人 希望鄉親有美國身分或簽證的我可以幫忙內推,

[公司名稱] KLA
[工作地點] Milpitas,CA,US
[職位部門] Apps Development Engr./ OCD product / FaST Division
[薪資福利] Base + Bonus + LTI/RSU, (細節麻煩私訊或寄信訊問)
[聯絡信箱] 站內信或 [email protected](履歷請寄到此信箱)
[主任Apps 工作內容]
‧ Initiate and lead projects to address strategic issues.
‧ Design, evaluate and test new application engineering techniques for
applicability to KT products.
‧ Provide guidance and direction to ensure adequate performance to
specifications is achieved. Develop corrective action plans as necessary.
‧ Act as an expert resource in the timing of new product introductions and
‧ Perform short and long range product application planning and play a lead
role in presenting new ideas; influence and advise management on product
roadmap directions.
‧ Works on complex problems requiring expertise in multiple areas of product
applications and characterization.
‧ Provides technical leadership to others in handling major product or
service related responsibilities impacting major business operations.
‧ Independently resolves issues concerning scope, methodologies, and
resource issues as they arise.
‧ Focus is on short and long term design of products, use cases, and
‧ Identifies problems and proposes solutions well in advance.
‧ Requires strong leadership skills. Ability to lead multidisciplinary
project teams to learn and apply new skills/techniques to respond to
business needs.
[主任Apps 徵才條件]
Ph.D. or Masters with 6-8 years, or Bachelors with 7-10 years experience 3-5
of which must be directly in integrated circuit manufacturing or equivalent
combination of education and experience in engineering applications.
Deeper understanding of each of the previous areas, plus:
‧ Expertise in several of the different applications and how they impact
multiple products.
‧ Demonstrated skill in conceptualizing creative technical solutions,
documenting them, and presenting them in a persuasive and influential
manner to management.
‧ Demonstrated ability in strategic thinking and leadership with strong
abilities in relationship management.
‧ Proven project leadership and management skills.
‧ Demonstrated track record in new concept development for a variety of
[資深 Apps工作內容]
‧ Lead medium-sized projects e.g. H2H, PLC, alpha characterization, beta
testing, and gap analysis.
‧ Create and evaluate characterization and field test plans.
‧ Respond to customer requests and perform complex problem diagnosis and
problem resolution.
‧ Develop and document new applications of existing and pre-release products,
including BKMs.
‧ Develop written procedures, standards, training material, and other
technical documentation.
‧ Review and evaluate quality of data in other related technical documents.
‧ Layer owner on complex demos.
‧ Serve as Applications Representative for PLC projects.
[資深 Apps 徵才條件]
Ph.D. degree, Masters with 2-4 years, or Bachelors with 3-5 years experience
or equivalent combination of education and experience in engineering
applications.Deep understanding of each of the following areas:
‧ Thoroughly understands engineering principles and techniques related to
project activities.
‧ Show a high degree of proficiency in several other related technical
‧ Ability to recognize system-wide issues and design accordingly.
‧ Strong working knowledge of testing techniques.
‧ Strong working knowledge of various applications.
‧ Ability to independently resolve complex problems.
‧ Strong presentation skills.
‧ Strong project management skills.


All Comments


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2022-01-16T11:14
新聞標題: 華碩線上尾牙19日登場 2022/01/16 00:27:26 經濟日報 記者吳凱中/台北報導 PC品牌大廠華碩(2357)將於19日舉行線上尾牙,表演將由員工擔綱演出,據悉,華碩除 了規劃線上現金抽獎外,過往尾牙最大獎項汽車今年則取消,改為額外現金抽獎。 代工大廠方面,廣達、仁 ...

offer 請益(內有選手)

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2022-01-16T02:30
大家好 有鑒於前幾日有版友請益offer後來被hr取消 所以標題沒有放公司名稱 有兩間有口頭offer 還有一間有機會上 想請教大家該如何選擇 目前內湖組屋 10月租約到後會搬離公司近的地方 小弟經歷 124碩畢+124學畢 現職小寶(陽光寶) 年資一年多 現職薪資N-11(超低 * N為新GG 碩士新人價 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2022-01-15T08:33
【事務所名稱】 立揚法律事務所 葉恕宏律師 【工作型態】 實習律師 一名 【工作內容】 撰擬書狀、法律研究等 【工作地點】 臺北市忠孝東路2段130號10樓之3 (捷運忠孝新生站2號出口旁) 【工作時間】 每天 9:00 AM~6:00PM 週休二日 (午休時間12:00~13:3 ...

日月光餐會驚見「肉色高衩」接待人員 網

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2022-01-14T18:02
https://i.imgur.com/pNqDZOh.jpg 許多科技大廠、公司企業都會選在農曆年前舉辦尾牙活動,除了和同事們一起享用佳餚, 抽獎活動更是大家最期待的項目之一。本月13日,日月光在高雄巨蛋舉辦財務餐會,場外 卻驚見四名身穿「肉色高衩裝」的接待人員,性感打扮令人血脈賁張,照片流出後立刻掀 起 ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2022-01-14T16:53
【事務所名稱】 何文雄律師事務所 【工作型態】 受僱、實習律師 【工作內容-受雇律師】 1、撰寫訴狀及訴訟代理(開庭)。 2、法律案件研究及意見提供。 3、審閱撰寫法律文件及合約。 4、陪同、協助辦理非訟事件。 【工作內容-實習律師】 1.完成律師交待之事務。 2.處理法務相關事務,如撰擬書狀、律師函、合約等 ...