全遠距 前/後端工程師 - 工程師

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2020-09-09T21:35

Table of Contents




We are a small organization providing professional technical
training and consulting. We are a fully remote company. We
have several projects in need of back- and front-end development
talent, including the building of an online learning platform,
website development, building of a media library, etc.

This is an open hiring call as our immediate and future needs
are diverse; specifics of your role and the projects you work on
will be determined during the interview process and may vary over
time. Regardless of the specific project, the work will involve:

○ Regular check-in meetings during business hours in
the EST time zone

○ Collaborating and communicating with team members
across time zones

○ Occasional pair programming with team members

○ Working on both internal projects and projects for
clients across industries

What you need:

○ Demonstrable proficiency working with:
● React, Javascript
● Some Python
● Some SQL, PostgreSQL

○ Debugging and troubleshooting skills, including the
resourcefulness needed to “unblock” yourself when
you run into areas of difficulty

○ Demonstrated time-management and problem-solving abilities

○ A sense of “ownership” and responsibility for the
projects and your deliverables

○ Strong English language and excellent communication
skills (meaning: proactively asking questions and/or
raising concerns, communicating regularly with the team,
ability to clearly document work done)

Job type:

○ Contract; non-fixed term (At least 6 weeks; potential
for ongoing collaboration)

Job Rate:

○ $500 USD/week, tied to clear deliverables

Hourly Requirement:

○ 15-20 hours/week

To get started:

○ Send your résumé/CV to [email protected]
along with examples or links to recent work


All Comments

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2020-09-10T02:10
don’t use this code
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2020-09-14T17:40
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2020-09-18T17:13
How do you turn this on
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2020-09-22T13:07


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2020-09-09T19:32
欸不是 你自己化學系辦演講找回來的系友講題是這個 https://businessweekly.com.tw/careers/blog/25887 才2019年哦,現在是怎樣,化學系畢業去美國轉行當軟體工程師可以回校演講給學弟妹聽 但是去台積電當輪班仔就要被教授公審哦?? ----- Sent fro ...

offer 請益 (台積/采鈺)

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2020-09-09T18:47
大家好 繼上次推掉其他公司後,目前有兩間公司offer 想詢問大家關於這兩個職缺的發展 1.台積電(TSMC) 職稱:Process engineer(擴散) 月薪:N+Bonus 工時:12 地點:南科 住宿:租房 輪班:小夜、特早、假日值班 2.采鈺科技(VisEra) 職稱:Process int ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2020-09-09T14:52
各位年薪大大好, 最近拿到一個新OFFER,晉倫研發組長之職,該公司做尼龍混練改質的, 就現職跟新OFFER比較 現職 晉倫 ======================================================== 職 ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2020-09-09T14:39
SEMI:COVID-19驅動全球晶圓廠設備支出往上漲趨勢 https://bit.ly/2Fiij1I 根據SEMI在全球發布的晶圓廠預測報告中指出,受到COVID-19大流行病以及居家隔離、工 作與學習的影響,刺激了市場對晶片的需求激增。這些晶片涵蓋通訊和IT基礎建設到個人 電腦,遊戲和醫療保健電子等 ...

全球獲利百大 台積排23名

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2020-09-09T12:21
https://udn.com/news/story/7240/4845294 全球獲利百大 台積排23名 2020-09-09 01:57 經濟日報 / 編譯季晶晶╱綜合外電 https://uc.udn.com.tw/photo/2020/09/08/realtime/8506789.jpg 日經新 ...