公職高頻出題單字 - 國營工作討論

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2021-10-02T22:33

Table of Contents


1 Climate change will make heat waves more common.
2 It’s approaching lunchtime.
3 to call for/ demand an apology
4 a relative newcomer to badminton
5 I have no intention to hurt you.
6 the risk of heart diseases
7 a driver required to quarantine after making a high-risk contact
8 Never make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings.
9 He isn't conscious of his own problem.
10 to orbit around the earth
11 a dramatic increase in production capacity
12 the original plan
13 the host city Tokyo
14 a dose of vaccine
15 greenhouse gas emissions
16 to have access to clean water
17 face a mental health crisis
18 world competitiveness rankings
19 The trial might determine Britney Spears’ future.
20 go honeymooning on a tight budget
21 a current market cap of $1 billion
22 to reduce the burden on families
23 a project leader
24 conduct the advertising campaign
25 recover from grief
26 become famous remarkably fast
27 a widely adopted convention
28 be diagnosed with lung cancer
29 distribute food and blankets
30 withdraw money from an ATM
31 global warming is a critical issue
32 better than previous models
33 a commercial airline
34 cause a domino effect
35 to be remarkably productive
36 to exclude the possibility of murder
37 a collision between two opposite viewpoints
38 to deal with complaints from customers
39 to take Holland’s cellphone without permission
40 to be overwhelmed by joy
41 take over the company
42 attainable achievements
43 an urgent issue
44 the outbreak of World War II
45 We regret to inform you that…
46 enormously popular around the world
47 to obey the guard's directions
48 an aging population
49 to oppose any attempts to change the status quo
50 to suffer heavy casualties in the war

Tags: 國營

All Comments

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2021-10-03T12:56
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2021-10-04T03:19
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2021-10-04T17:42
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2021-10-05T08:05


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2021-10-02T14:15
先提醒各位還沒口試的朋友 要記得把證件、資料準備齊全 有人沒帶身分證直接被請出場 真的很可惜 問下面這些問題 會和未來從事郵局工作有什麼相關嗎? 真的很令人無言 1.自傳裡提到工作穩定,其他國營事業 也很穩定呀,為什麼選擇考郵局? 由於政府對郵局員工特別照顧 不僅今年唯獨幫郵局加薪快5千元 而且對員工的心 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2021-10-02T13:00
您好, 我在國營版拜讀了您的文章後,想請問您一年下來在中油的工作心得, 因為我自己是肌肉萎縮,之後會越來越嚴重, 所以得考慮更多事情, 希望能從您那邊得到更多資訊。 感激不盡~ - ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2021-10-01T23:16
大家好,小弟本來在四大事務所待了幾年(有牌), 因想轉換跑道,且為中南部人, 目前想以糖、水、酒、港為目標考看看, 爬了一些文章,但大部分討論的都是工程或業務人員, 因此想問各位大大若是財會人員在上述公司會有什麼明顯差別嗎? 大家會比較推薦那間公司呢? 另外想問,財會人員一開始待在總公司跟待在外派單位(如酒廠 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2021-10-01T21:18
如標題 因為我是僱員是勞保 可以自提月薪6趴到個人的勞退專戶 覺得可以省稅及強迫儲蓄還不錯 可是好友是職員打去他們的人資詢問 他們的人資說職員沒有自提 想問真的是這樣嗎?還是名稱不同而已 我想詢問的是國營職員是否也有類似的自提月薪作為退休金的辦法 不是要問公保有沒有勞退 謝謝 - ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2021-10-01T10:43
報名期間: 110年10月19日(星期二)09:00至11月02日(星期二)18:00 第一試(筆試)測驗日期: 111年01月15日(星期六) https://cpc110.twrecruit.com.tw/news/?c=newsandamp;id=3 https://www.cpc.com.tw/ ...