加州報稅 CA-VPDI SDI 若和配偶合報? - 海外工作

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-04-04T05:56

Table of Contents

請問一下, 我的配偶無工作無收入,無W2
If you are married and file a joint return, you must figure the amount of
excess SDI (or VPDI) separtely for each spouse.

You Your Spouse/RDP
1. Add amounts of SDI (or VPDI) withheld
shown on your Forms W-2.
Enter the total here . . . . . . . . 1 $1419.79 要寫 0嗎?
2. 2011 SDI (or VPDI) limit . . . . 2
$1,119.79 $1119.79
3. Excess SDI (or VPDI) withheld. Subtract
line 2 from line 1. Enter the results here.
Combine the amounts on line 3 and enter
the total, in whole dollars only on
Form 540/540A, line 74 . . . . . . . 3 $300 要寫 -$1119嗎?

If zero or less, enter -0- on line 74. 這邊要算是 -$819 還是 $300 ?

請知道的大大回答一下, 謝謝!


All Comments

F1報稅 年份認定

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-04-03T09:05
有爬過文 讀了IRS表格說明 和 pub 519 但是還是不太清楚 究竟持 F1 簽證報稅的 第五年/第六年是怎麼算? 我是 2007.8 開始持 F1 入境 所以 2007 (yr 1) - 200 ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2012-03-30T17:59
Great career opportunities in Singapore!!! andlt;新加坡菁英人才招募會andgt; 再也不怕台灣高失業率! 新加坡知名飯店正職員工招聘計畫 讓你成為最具競爭�� ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2012-03-29T03:38
請問有待過非洲的人嗎? 最近在那裏有工作機會 我一直很想去非洲,覺得就算浪費一年在那邊很苦也沒關係(這樣太天真嗎) 所以畢業之後工作一段時� ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-03-28T01:07
各位同學照過來~~~ 由大英國協主辦的英國名校聯展來囉!!! 此次參展學校共有13所世界頂尖名校!! BIAD, Bournemouth, Brunel, Cardiff, Glasgow, Goldsmiths, Leeds, Liverpool ...

請問 1040A 的報稅填表

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-03-26T12:00
Line 37 有一項 2011 estimated tax payments and amount applied from 2010 return. 只有一個空格,請問我是要填入哪個數字? 實在是看不懂... 謝謝了 :) --