北京工作機會:國際招聘顧問 - 海外工作

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2016-05-27T09:35

Table of Contents

【Global Recruiter】

Various roles of this position:
‧Be a consultant:Establish recruiting requirements by meeting with
clients to discuss needs.

‧Be an analyst:Determine applicant qualifications by interviewing
applicants; analyzing responses; verifying references; comparing
qualifications to job requirements.

‧Be a marketing associate:Attract applicants by placing job
advertisements; contacting potential talents, using social media groups and
job sites.

‧Be a customer service specialist:Build and maintain customers’

‧Be a salesman:Assist to promote the company brand and develop

‧Be an administrator:Arrange management interviews by coordinating
schedules with all aspects of recruitment.

Who’s the right person?
‧Be interested in exploring a journey with the start-up recruiting
firm of global talent.

‧Fluent in English and Chinese is a must.

‧1 year experience in recruiting of HR, headhunting agency side is a
big plus.

‧Overseas study or work experience is required.

‧Bachelor or above degrees of related fields, Human Resource major,
Marketing & Sales is preferred.

‧A team player with great people skills

About the company:
Expert of HR service provider in China, expertized in but not limited to
global headhunting, overseas career fair, foreign talents sourcing.

PM for applying contact, thank you.


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LinkedIn 的隱私權問題

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2016-05-24T03:46
因為不太知道哪裡問 所以想說在這版問看看 若離題請砍沒關係 我的問題在版上爬過文,但找不到有其他人回答過 所以問看看 如果有重覆的請大家鞭�� ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2016-05-23T18:17
Hi 各位前輩好,我是 Wayne,做了兩年的 Web Developer 決定六月底要用 working holidays 的簽證到雪梨找 Rails 相關的工作 目前的狀況是機票買好了簽證還在等( ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-05-22T23:05
各位版上的高手們,我已經搬回台灣兩年了,而在過去的一年裡面, 我持續收到IRS寄信來要我補交文件,我已經寄過兩次了, 而且我的退稅金額也在201 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2016-05-22T22:34
已經爬文但沒看到類似問題 請問有人知道要怎麼申報在英國的收入嗎? 打聽了一下說要拿證明給外館認證以後回台灣申報 有人知道詳細是拿什麼證明還� ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2016-05-22T01:34
學歷 NTNUME碩士 英文 TOEIC 730 之前工作是工程的電氣工程設計 目前想考台電雇員考上再說 在飲料店打工 想問問國外缺不缺這種電氣工程師 或者程式 ...