北美南加州美妝濕紙巾公司-平面設計師/電商專員 - 履歷

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2018-02-17T07:30

Table of Contents

※ [本文轉錄自 LA 看板 #1QXsHSo8 ]

作者: PiGFAcE (被遺忘在沙灘上的腳印) 看板: LA
標題: [徵人] 新春了找個工作吧南加州知名美妝濕紙巾
時間: Sat Feb 17 07:08:07 2018

南加州知名美妝/濕紙巾工廠 徵人啦
平面設計師 / 以及電商專家
可辦身分 H1b 以及綠卡
履歷請寄到 [email protected]


The customer service representative is responsible for providing effective customer service for all internal and external customers by using excellent, in-depth knowledge of company products and programs as well as communicating effectively with team members within the customer service department.

Tasks/ Responsibilities including but not limited to:
‧ Process all Ecommerce orders, amazon/La Fresh site
‧ Follow thru with the fulfillment of those orders
‧ Replays all customer inquiries in a timely manner
‧ Resolve customer issues
‧ Inside sales skills to follow up on leads
‧ Provides timely and accurate information to incoming customer order status and product knowledge requests.
‧ Processes customer orders/changes/returns according to established department policies and procedures.
‧ Works closely with the credit department to resolve disputed credit items.
‧ Provides timely feedback to the company regarding service failures or customer concerns.
‧ Partners with the sales team to meet and exceed customer’s service expectations.

Skills and Ability -
‧ Customer/Client Focus.
‧ Problem Solving/Analysis.
‧ Time Management.
‧ Communication Proficiency.
‧ Teamwork Orientation.
‧ Technical Capacity.

Education and Experience
‧ Customer service experience
‧ Computer experience
‧ Happyfox
‧ Shopfity
‧ Amazon
‧ Navision
‧ Ship Station


位於 Chino 美西最大濕紙巾/美妝生產公司
可辦身分:401k ,徵平面設計師
意者請寄履歷至 [email protected]

In charge of Graphic design, Packaging design, Marketing material, Create mockup samples.
Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. Detail oriented. Knowledge of printing workflow and communicate between customers and vendors. Speak English and Chinese. Competitive compensation package. Paid health/ dental insurance. Vacation, sick, holiday leave.

誠聘平面設計師, 公司產品包裝及市場行銷設計. 需熟悉MAC平台以及Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign和中文打字. 獨立處理客戶圖檔與印前分色工作, 細心認真負責, 與廠商,同事之間良好溝通. 可辦OPT, H1B, 綠卡.
[email protected]

=Ptt封神榜2010-請選擇你的守護神= ~娜娜-糾團 ~雨狗-連結 ~鬍子-禮貌 ~MaxLJ--外交
~柏油-勇氣 ~金寶-傳播 ~硬兔-傲嬌 ~F7-露點 ~蜜妮-重生 ~山獅-狩獵 ~MoNeNe-遺失
~鯰姐-自信 ~芳嫂-自我 ~Z9-情報 ~法兒-分享 ~loh--新知 ~ㄌㄔ-預言 ~天空熊-慈祥
~剝削-藝術 ~鄉長-亂入->瓦哥-白爛 ~KOTD-過氣 ~bccc-除魔 ~小狐-戒嚴 ~傑克零-虔誠
~5566-帥氣 ~路比-巧取 ~張爸-分身 ~妖西-忌妒 ~now1-釣魚 ~廖震-機八 ~威力踢-博學
~天哥-經商 ~小雨-經驗 ~鄭公-食子 ~mim--中肯 ~t2d--神算 ~蝦姐-寒冷 ~腋魔俠-迷戀

Tags: 履歷

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2018-02-17T20:40
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-02-22T10:33
過年收到好人卡 幫哭哭~~
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-02-23T15:50


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2018-02-14T13:45
**************** **** 已截止 **** **************** 若有收到HR履歷邀約者,請站內信討論如何準備履歷 **************** 代po 最近灣區各大公司HR找人的壓力很大 HR ...

令人困惑的Amazon offer請益

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2018-02-13T20:37
版上的各位前輩好! 我2017年底收到Amazon HR在LinkedIn上的訊息, 投了履歷,之後經過線上OA、on-site interview(他們在東京辦了個hiring event) 兩週前幸運的 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2018-02-12T22:57
各位好, 過年前第二次宣傳一下 因為被問是不是要把檔案印下來手寫再掃描寄過去 答案是不用, 因為是我忘記把word檔放上去...XD 耍蠢了真是不好意思 �� ...

Re: 消防役、通過外交官特考可以放在履歷上嗎?

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2018-02-10T13:16
其實我覺得很多人都覺得履歷的內容要和工作盡量相關才好,我是覺得不必要啦。 畢竟能不能得到一份工作,技能當然重要,但是還有另一個一樣重要 ...

關於background check 可以少寫短期經驗嗎

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-02-10T11:50
最近拿了一個offer 對方要做background check 我之前的履歷很雜 像是我有讀過兩個大學 也有一堆非常短期的工作經驗 通常都兩個月那種的 而且都在台灣 在 ...