南亞塑膠徵Customer Service, 路州廠 - 福利

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2015-03-11T07:19

Table of Contents

Nan Ya Plastics, America (Batchelor, LA)

Customer Service

1. Marketing Info Analysis
2. Project Coordination
3. Sales Target and Report Analysis
4. Daily Order Processing Assistance
5. Customer Feedback Analysis and Coordination.

B.A. in Marketing will be plus, Chinese/English, Computer office skill,
Info integrated ability,
Qualify to work in US. (US citizen, green card, or at least OPT)

Batchelor, LA

Weekday 8am~4:30pm

會幫忙辦H1B 有insurance 免簽約

[email protected]

Tags: 福利

All Comments

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2015-03-13T04:16
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2015-03-15T10:07


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-03-09T17:32
徵才詳情及線上申請: http://www.topcareer.jp/inter/company_search/?id=001313 ●不斷創作新價值的百年製造集團● ▓關於日東電工 Nitto Denko Corporation 自 1918 年� ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-03-07T23:29
歡迎會日文、對在日本工作有興趣的同學應徵。 IT人才擴大招募中! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ■会社概要 本社所在地�� ...

菲律賓 獵杰國際 Leajoy Technology Inc.

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2015-02-07T13:15
※ 引述《phb23 (spawn)》之銘言: : 大家好 : 不好意思我爬過所有有關菲律賓的文章 : 但是沒有看到有人詢問這間 : Leajoy Technology Inc. : 中文是獵杰國際 : �� ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2015-02-03T16:11
謝謝各位大大的回覆和建議,小弟決定放棄了 我想代辦費新幣1900應該跟仲介費差不多意思 代辦費+機票+房租(含下月押金)+生活用品等前置 都還沒開始� ...

Japan日本駐車場開発 台灣徵才

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2015-02-03T15:23
大家好!我們是Job Tessio株式會社 今年日本駐車場開發株式会社(NDP)在台灣舉行的日語人才徵才活動即將開跑 Job Tessio求職諮詢公司將於3月上旬於台北市�� ...