南加軟體公司徵硬體及韌體工程師 - 海外工作

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2009-01-13T16:25

Table of Contents

We are still looking for a software engineer.
Requirements are as follows.

(Note: Entry level engineer is fine)

※ 引述《eddie (新生活)》之銘言:
: Job title:
: Firmware engineer (1~2 positions)
: Job Description
: 1. BS/MS degree in Computer Science or Computer management
: 2. 1~3 years experience in related industry.
: 3. Programming language requirement: C, C++ and 80x86 Assembly
: 4. Excellent computer architecture knowledge in 8051 and 80x86
: 5. Excellent oral and written skills
: 6. Experience in ATA or ATAPI interface is a plus
: 7. Experience in any storage device (ex. HDD, Optical Drive, USB...) firmware
: is a plus
: 8. Experience in Paradigm compiler is a plus

: Company is located in Alhambra, CA.
: H1 VISA will be sponsored
: Please send your resume to [email protected]


All Comments

請問OPT申請時機 (同時等待博班申請)

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2009-01-11T05:06
請問各位... 我預計今年五月初拿碩士學位, 目前計畫是申請今年秋季的博士班(已申請).. 或是 如果沒有申請上,就用碩士學位在美找工作。 博士班� ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-01-11T02:02
請教一下大家 我是5/1畢業然後想讓我的OPT在6/29生效 請問我要在哪一個時間點提出申請比較恰當 昨天去問了學校的國際學生中心 他說現在提出申請太早 ...

part-time job的定義.....

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-01-09T09:48
我研究了新的OPT, 內容是說三個月內要找到Full time 或 Part time的工作, 而Part time的定義是至少要20小時. 我還沒畢業,但已經在跟學校有人才交換計畫的地 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-01-07T13:43
想知道世界前三大(年收入)的IC設計服務公司 (IC implementation design service) 剛剛從網路上查了很久都查不到, 不知是否有版友有資訊, 或是知道如何查到這些 ...

做 IT 工作的可以送 EB2 的趕緊送吧

George avatar
By George
at 2009-01-05T10:20
※ [本文轉錄自 Immigration 看板] 作者: pest (這些分鐘妳有沒有想過我?) 看板: Immigration 標題: [閒聊] 做 IT 工作的可以送 EB2 的趕緊送吧 時間: Sat Jan 3 18:13: ...