可以請前輩們幫我看一下履歷嗎?謝謝 - 面試

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-03-06T11:40

Table of Contents




老實說,會滿..囧的 ^^"

The ability to solve real world problem must to be integrated, so I attended
different field of class to improve my well-rounded capability. In the class
of Hi-tech Entrepreneurship and Operation, I learned the whole process of
technique、market research、strategy analysis、IP planning、operating and
financial planning by developing a new company. The most important is, I
learned to deal with my task with a macroscopic view to benefit my company,
instead of only focusing on finishing my own assignments.
※Read numerous of business cases and books.
Also, to achieve my competence, I read numerous cases and books, because they
~~~~(also可做連接詞,但是在正式的英文中,從來不會這麼使用,建議你用Besides, ~~~~

而非cases and books
make more close to real operation of a company. I will try to assume I were
~~~~~~~~~~(典型的中式英文,請改成closer) ~that不可省
the person who face problems and ask myself what I would do.
~~~~(faces) ~~~~~~~~~~(asks)
Skill & Ability
1. Committed team work
2. Performing well in challenging and fast moving environment
3. Proficiency in Word, Excel(include function、analysis), Outlook,
4. Fluent in English
Experience of group work
1. President of NTU continent group, holding several symposiums、student
union policy debate、book exhibition…etc.
For me, they are a series good trainings of management& leadership、resources
~~~(to) ~~~~(these exps) ^(of) ~(and)
allocation、analysis and arrangement an. Furthermore, I earned the soft
ability such as communication、cooperation and working under pressure.
~~~~~~~(abilities 因為你後面的such as說一堆)
2. Involved in AIESEC program that negotiate with domestic companies(
responsible for ADVANTECH研華科技) to match foreign trainee working in
Taiwan company. I learned to report and convincing my customers.
3. NTU Seed educating group. Planning a summer camp and being a teacher.
Work experience:
1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs APEC youth representative selection conference
2. National Tsing Hua University(清華大學) research program—Collecting
information of solar energy.
3. Several translating experiences of English to Chinese.

The most important point of my view of learning is integration, but it’s
base on my financial training. The trainings of finance department make me
~~~~(based) ~~~~(made)
more sensitive of number, and so that I tend to focus on concrete evidence
~~(to) ~~~~~(刪掉)
and logic deduction, doing my best to choose moderate tool to solve the
~~~~~~~(and do) ~~~~(tools) ~~~
~~~~~~~(any problems)


All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2009-03-07T09:21
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-03-11T00:45
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-03-13T02:06
做PM也是需要具備這樣的特質 ^^
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2009-03-16T19:06
Also這樣用ok吧 學術英文有時候也用
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-03-20T11:00
恩,我說的是formal English,當然這不是錯誤,要用也ok
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-03-23T04:12
so that 不是so 是in order to的意思

長庚大學 郭忠禎實驗室 徵碩士級助理

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2009-03-06T10:29
【職缺名稱】碩士級研究助理 【徵才單位】長庚大學 郭忠禎實驗室 【工作地址】桃園縣龜山鄉文化一路259號長庚大學 【工作內容】研究計畫執行及� ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-03-06T09:41
【職缺名稱】研究人員 【徵才單位】台大藥學系忻凌偉教授實驗室 【工作地址】台北市仁愛路一段一號(台大醫學院基礎醫學大樓) 【工作內容】有機 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-03-06T06:18
基本上是不會被保留唷,頂多保留3-6個月。 成績單這個東西除非是公司要求要正本的、不然的話通常附上影本就好了。 未來你還應徵很多公司,你也不 ...

Re: 請Keku版主說明何謂此間慎重考慮

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2009-03-05T21:04
※ 引述《rodman66》之銘言: : 我想有些人看到版主的糢糊意思的附註 : 而不敢寄應徵資料 : 我猜想可能版主附註影響力所造成 : 能否版主您可以and#34;客� ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-03-05T07:50
更正一些細節 : 用回文來騙P幣 : 政府部門工作很多種 : 你是想去聯邦政府還是地方政府 : 其實每個地方/部門都會不同 : 下面的link是聯邦政府工作網 : h ...