可靠度相關,新手上路請益 - 土木

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-08-18T22:13

Table of Contents

※ 引述《umineko (海貓)》之銘言:
: 1.最近碰到FORM,重點取樣法,蒙地卡羅模擬,拉丁超方取樣法,
: 以及Reliability-Based Design Optimization的問題
: 發現這些部分極少有書本提及,都得在網路上搜尋零散的期刊資料......
: 而且那些資料通常沒有範例過程
: 後來在博客來網路書局搜尋,發現幾本這方面的書,價格貴到要我的命......
: 而且沒實際看過,也不知道是不是自己要的
: 請問在場接觸過可靠度的各位,是否有推薦包含這些主題最多的幾本叢書或參考資料?

Reliability-Based Design or Reliability engineering 參考書一堆

關鍵字 書名 作者 主題 美國國會圖書館分類號 中文資料分類號 國際標準號碼 出版
社 書刊名作者年份Reverse YearCall Number;Material Type系統已排序

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序號 Mark 書名 (1-50 之 94) 年 條目
104 筆查獲
1 Reliability 3
2 Reliability '91 : papers presented at the International Conference on
Reliability Techniques and th c1991 1
3 Reliability achievement the commercial incentive / edited by T. Aven
1989 1
4 Reliability analysis for engineers an introduction / Roger D. Leitch
1995 1
5 Reliability analysis for structural engineering / eng 2000 1
6 Reliability Analysis of a Series System on Weibull Step-stress
Accelerated Life Tests with Masked D 2010 1
7 Reliability analysis of a series system with Weibull lifetime components
/ eng 2009 1
8 Reliability analysis of spillway capacity / eng 1991 1
9 Reliability Analysis of Structures of Ceramic Materials / eng 1987 1
10 Recent Developments In Reliability-Based Civil Engineering / 2006 1

11 Reliability and Bayesian approaches to the probabilistic performance
based design of structures. 1
12 Reliability and biometry statistical analysis of lifelength : papers /
edited by Frank Proschan and R. J. Serfling 1974 1
13 Reliability and decision making / edited by Richard E. Barlow, Carlo A.
Clarotti, Fabio Spizzichino 1993 1
14 Reliability and degradation of 3-5 optical devices c1996 1
15 Reliability and degradation of III-V optical devices / Osamu Ueda
c1996 1
16 Reliability and degradation of semiconductor lasers and LEDs / Mitsuo
Fukuda c1991 1
17 Reliability and degradation of three-five optical devices c1996 1
18 Reliability and fault tree analysis theoretical and applied aspects of
system reliability and safet / edited by Richard E. Barlow, Jerry B. Fussell,
and Nozer D. Singpurwalla 1975 1
19 Empirical Knowledge : Readings In Contemporary Epistemology / 1986
20 Reliability and life testing handbook / Dimitri Kececioglu c1993 1
21 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1991 proceedings, annual.
c1991 1
22 Reliability and quality control 2
23 Reliability and risk analysis 2
24 Reliability and risk assessment 2002 1
25 Reliability and risk issues in large scale safety-critical digital
control systems 2009 1
26 Reliability and safety of processes and manufacturing systems / edited
by Yngve Malmen and Veikko Rouhiainen c1991 1
27 Reliability and stability in electrical properties of Ultra-thin ITO
for touch panel application / eng 2008 1
28 Reliability and statistics in geotechnical engineering c2003 1
29 Handbook Of Employee Selection / c2010 1
30 Reliability and validity assessment / Edward G. Carmines, Richard A.
Zeller c1979 1
31 Reliability and validity in qualitative research / Jerome Kirk, Marc L.
Miller c1986 1
32 Reliability and yield problems of wire bonding in microelectronics.
33 Reliability and yield problems of wire bonding in microelectronics the
application of materials and / by George G. Harman c1989 1
34 Reliability assessment of cyclically loaded engineering structures
c1997 1
35 Reliability assessment using stochastic finite element analysis 2000
36 The reliability, availability, and productiveness of systems / D.J.
Sherwin and A. Bossche 1993 1
37 Reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety assessment /
Alain Villemeur ; main translators, Anne Cartier and Marie-Christine
Lartisien c1992 1
38 Reliability-based civil engineering. 2006 1
39 Reliability-based design / Singiresu S. Rao c1992 1
40 Reliability-based design in geotechnical engineering : computations and
applications 2008 1
41 Reliability Based Design on Concerning the Bending Moment Effect of
Reinforce Concrete Rectangular 1986 1
42 Reliability-centered maintenance management and engineering methods /
Ronald T. Anderson and Lewis Neri c1990 1
43 Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) implementation made simple
c2006 1
44 Reliability data banks / edited by A.G. Cannon and A. Bendell c1991
45 Reliability data bases proceedings of the Ispra course, held at the
Joint Research Center, Ispra, I / edited by Aniello Amendola and Alfred Z.
Keller c1987 1
46 Reliability design gualification and production acceptence tests / 2001
47 Reliability Design Program Generation of Space Rigid Frame 1984 1
48 Reliability engineering 2
49 Reliability engineering and risk assessment 2
50 Reliability engineering & system safety. c1988- 1

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: 2.到處爬文,發現土木裡似乎少有跟可靠度相關的參考文章......
: 請問這方面是否有明確出路及實用性?
: (其實我自己也有個心理準備了,自知這部分是純理論,學的東西也確實跟各位想的結構有
: 些不同,真的不實用的話,就當作充實自我心靈,但在這邊還是想請教各位想法)

Tags: 土木

All Comments

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2010-08-21T03:39
Civil 搞蒙地卡羅模擬沒超過5個 您是跟誰???
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-08-21T21:13


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-08-18T13:50
工作地點:台北市文山區 學經歷:建築或土木相關系所畢業 熟office及autocad 薪資:面議 聯絡方式:請將履歷資料寄至feng2114athotmail.com --


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-08-18T11:02
我朋友需要微型樁的品質計畫書和施工計畫書 但是沒有碰過這種東西 請問關於微型樁 要怎麼撰寫呢? 或者是有哪邊可以參考的 謝謝 --


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2010-08-18T10:39
老舊櫸木地板要整理 要磨光要怎麼找專業的師傅?! 不知道在這詢問對不對= = 謝謝 --


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-08-17T11:06
小妹是土木工程系的學生 目前大三囉 現在想考高普考 家中沒有閒錢補習(不是低收入戶但有清寒證明) 所以上來civil版徵書 看到卻已經賣出了:�� ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-08-15T16:38
大家好: 請問有志於擔任監工工作 但是學歷只有高工建築科 這樣可以應徵監工嗎? 還是說有相關工地經驗至少三年以上 即使是高工建築� ...