台北 Ruby on Rails 工程師, Listia Inc. - 工程師

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-06-04T11:03

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1JZeiYIe ]

作者: Xenor (。) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才]台北 Ruby on Rails Developer, Listia Inc.
時間: Wed Jun 4 10:57:31 2014

What is Listia?

Listia is a mobile and online marketplace where you can easily get rid
of things you don't need anymore and get stuff you'll love from other members
for free.

We were founded in the Spring of 2009 as a Y Combinator-funded startup,
and since then have received funding from Andreessen Horowitz, SV Angel, and
General Catalyst. We are a team of roughly 25 located in Mountain View, CA.

Some recent press:

* http://techcrunch.com/2013/10/02/lista-a-used-goods-marketplace-raises-9m-to-attack-mobile/
* http://techcrunch.com/2013/01/21/listia-partners-with-best-buy/
* http://techcrunch.com/2011/04/19/andreessen-horowitz-leads-1-75m-round-in-freebie-marketplace-listia....

What we're looking for:

Ruby on Rails Web Developer
Aside from our core team based in Mountain View, we are looking to hire
several Ruby on Rails developers (to join our existing team based in Taipei)
for a paid full-time contract lasting at least 6 months.

* Web developers, preferably experienced with Ruby/Rails. If you're familiar with other MVC web frameworks, that works too!
* Interest or experience in building large scale web services that millions of people use (over 17 million items listed on Listia to date!)
* Very quick learners who love to write/test/maintain quality code.
* Strong English proficiency, both written and spoken

Expected monthly salary range
NT$ 50,000 ~ NT$ 80,000

Apply Information
If interested, please email [email protected] with your resume (in English,
preferably), along with any links to projects you have contributed to,
or are currently working on. Links to any of your relevant online identities
(GitHub or LinkedIn profile, your blog) are helpful as well.


Listia 簡介

Listia 是一個線上市集,你可以輕鬆地把不想要的東西免費地與其他會員交換成

我們於2009年春天成為 Y Combinator-funded startup 後,陸續受
Andreessen Horowitz 、 SV Angel,以及 General Catalyst 等知名創投公司賞識


* http://techcrunch.com/2013/10/02/lista-a-used-goods-marketplace-raises-9m-to-attack-mobile/
* http://techcrunch.com/2013/01/21/listia-partners-with-best-buy/
* http://techcrunch.com/2011/04/19/andreessen-horowitz-leads-1-75m-round-in-freebie-marketplace-listia...


Ruby on Rails Web Developer

* 網頁程式開發工程師,熟稔Ruby/Rails者佳。
若有熟悉任何其他基於MVC概念的Web framework亦可。
* 有興趣建制部署供給百萬用戶使用的大規模的網頁應用服務 (目前線上超過一千七百萬
* 學習速度非常快,且喜歡撰寫、測試,並且維護高品質的原始碼。
* 良好的英文說寫能力

NT$ 50,000 ~ NT$ 80,000

若您有興趣加入我們,請email至[email protected],並附上個人簡歷(英文佳)


All Comments

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