台北市徵PT PHP Programmer - 工程師

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-11-24T22:22

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意者請連絡Ryan [email protected] 0934-202-241

PHP programmer needed
I am a young entrepreneur and PHP developer working on my own webprojects.

I am looking for a co-worker PHP developer that will be responsible for
certain parts of the code, developing new features, fixing bugs, etc.
Students are preferred.

Required: good experience with PHP; enough English to communicative, read,
and write.
Location: Office room in my apartment in Tianmu close to Takashimaya
Shopping Centre.

You need to be able to work at least 20 hours a week and
the more you can work, the better.

You will be able to come to the office almost any day of the week from
early morning until midnight to join me in the work. Your schedule is totally
flexible since this is not a full-time job, it's just a short-term ad-hoc
type of work.

I am working almost non-stop, the projects are a lot of challenge, fun,
and potential.

The salary is 300$ per hour.

If interested, please write a PHP script with the functionality of
http://ryanwebinno.net84.net/ with fictional database login data and
send it to me in email to [email protected] with a short description
of yourself, information about how many hours a week you want to work,
and what days and times you want to work.

Thank you for your time!


All Comments

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2012-11-27T20:31
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2012-11-28T04:42


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-11-24T21:35
各位好~我是個碩二的研究生,從十月中開始找研替,由於未來只想進入IC設計 產業,所以只投IC設計相關的公司,有介於這幾個月來從板上得到的許多�� ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-11-24T20:12
※ 引述《x123356 (冰封記憶)》之銘言: : 韓國英文能力平均來說確實比台灣好,從多益報考人數可見端倪, 以我自己跟韓國工程師接觸的經驗 你這句話 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2012-11-24T17:45
※ 引述《Fiorano (GTB 599)》之銘言: : : 推 djdjdjek:一起討論一下...這幾天要去新竹看房子...目前幾乎都看在 08/14 00:49 : : → djdjdjek:金山街,這裡感覺比較 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-11-24T15:02
想請問一下前輩們 之前聽說台積的JOS要一年半以後才可以 但是部門內支援的學長幫我推薦去新竹 現在新竹的主管也寄信跟我接洽 不知道該不該跟現 ...

台積14廠 設備只面試到兩關 沒機會了?

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2012-11-24T14:29
As title 早上剛面試完 研替14廠 設備工程師 英文六級 冏 跟副理聊了一小時 相談甚歡 跟人資聊 她臉很臭 草草結束 是不是 沒面談到部經理 就是沒機� ...