台北的暑期工讀機會(趨勢科技) - 海外工作

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2010-04-06T00:26

Table of Contents

所以效用不大 :O

共兩個 paid intern

Company name: Trend Micro Inc.
URL: http://www.trendmicro.com
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Position: Intern – User Experience Researcher
Job duration: Contract

Job Description:
Trend Micro, a global leader in network antivirus and Internet content
security software and services, is currently seeking one User Experience
Researcher Intern to join our Taipei office in Taiwan. This position
requires a strong background in user interface design, heuristic review
and customer experience testing. As a User Experience Researcher Intern,
you will work with members in SMB /Consumer teams and stakeholders to
support UI Designersto design highly usable products that adhere to Trend
Micro's commitment to the best user experience possible. Graduate students
in Human Computer Interaction, Human Factors or related programs are
encouraged to apply.

The candidate will learn and use a variety of usability methodologies,
and collaborate with team members to improve user interface design.

* Heuristic / expert reviews on competitors and on Trend Micro products.
* Customer experience testing on alpha/beta builds.
* User, task, and workflow analysis.
* Help create user profiles and typical user scenarios for products under
* Compiling User Experience testing/research reports.
* Organizing product testing resources for Trend Taipei office.
* Assisting usability tests/equipment setup and other local research projects.
* Working closely with UI designer to assist product user interface design.

* Knowledge in User-centered design approaches.
* Excellent communication and teamwork skills.
* Some basic programming and screen prototyping skills.
* Excellent English ability
* Must have good analytical and writing skills.
* Comfortable in setting up MS Windows machines and doing some basic
trouble shooting.
* Experience in software or 3C device reviewing is a plus.
* Experience on UI design with portfolio/school projects to demonstrate
their abilities is a plus.
* Bachelor / Master student in HCI, psychology, cognitivescience,
industrial engineering, or computer science.
* Due to project needs, the intern must report to duty asearly as possible.

Contact information:
Please send your English cover letter and resume in ASCII format and a
link to your design portfolio (optional), or toyour document(s)/academic
essay(s) about reviewing software/3C devices (preferred), to:
[email protected]. Please include the job title and job code
"TW-INTERN-UNIV-UX" in the subject line of your message.


Company name: Trend Micro Inc.
URL: http://www.trendmicro.com
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Position: Intern – User Interface Design Intern
Job duration: Contract

Job Description:
Trend Micro, a global leader in network antivirus and Internet content
security software and services, is currently seeking one User Interface
design Intern to join our Taipei officein Taiwan. This position requires
a strong background in requirements analysis, user interface design, and
heuristic review. As aUser Interface Design Intern, you will work closely
with UI Designers to design highly usable online services/websites that
adhere to Trend Micro’s commitment to the best user experience possible.

Candidate should expect to attend meetings, participate in brainstorming
sessions, generate wireframes and high fidelity prototypes, and consult
with developers during development. Candidate should also suggest areas
where the experience can be enhanced and presentdesign solutions to address
the suggestions. The candidate will learn and use a variety ofdesign and
usability methodologies, and collaborate with team members to improve user
interface design.

* Heuristic / expert reviews on competitors and on Trend Micro products.
* User, task, and workflow analysis.
* Assisting UI Designer in creating compelling user interface design for
web services.
* Help create user profiles and typical user scenarios for products under
* Assisting usability tests/equipment setup andother local research projects.

* Knowledge in User-centered design approaches.
* Familiar with different prototyping tools, suchas Visio, Powerpoint,
Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, etc.
* Ability to effectively communicate designideas with good analytical
and writing skills.
* Experience on UI design with portfolio/school projects to demonstrate
their abilities is a plus.
* Good teamwork skills and an ability to learn quickly
* Excellent English ability
* Bachelor / Master student in HCI, psychology, cognitive science,
industrial engineering, or computer science.
* Due to project needs, the intern must reportto duty as early as possible,
preferably May or even April, 2010.

Contact information:
Please send your English cover letter and resume in ASCII format and a link
to your design portfolio (preferred) to:[email protected]. Please include
the job title and job code "TW-INTERN-UNIV-UI" in the subject line of your


All Comments

resident alien可不報social security tax和medicare tax嗎?

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-04-05T13:22
小弟是拿J1三年,必須以resident來報稅 目前工作單位social security tax和medicare tax並沒 有預扣,請問可以不繳這些稅嗎?更精確的問,有規定 罰則嗎?謝謝 ...

Re: 請問哪些單位有在徵國際志工

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-04-04T23:24
※ 引述《tine7674 (向問天)》之銘言: : 我和一群朋友(都是大學生)想在寒暑假出國當國際志工,想請問大家哪些單位有在提供 : 這方面的志工招募資�� ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-04-01T11:33
想請問一個關於opt申請h1b的問題 最近在公司要我準備h1需要的文件 其中一個是準備I-20 想請問一下 如果I-20上面不是我現在的雇主 會有關係嗎 我I-20上� ...

若從F-1轉H1-B 對持有基金之dividend算是NEC or EC

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-03-31T12:51
請問大家 若去年從F-1 -andgt; OPT -andgt; H1-B 對所持有的基金所分發之dividends該如何申報 之前是學生身份 一直都是NEC 去年開始有多增加Personal Service Incom ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-03-29T20:25
※ 引述《annynn (我愛皮皮)》之銘言: : 搜尋版上文章有關ITIN的問題 : 發現這篇(2009年的文)正是我的問題,但是答案有人說1,有人說2 : 不知道一年後 ...