台塑德州廠徵才 - 海外工作

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2021-11-19T11:17

Table of Contents


公司:Formosa Plastics Corp.

地點:Point Comfort Plant, Texas

職缺:Process Engineer

學歷要求:BS or MS degree. Chemical engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemi
stry, Materials Science Engineering, Physics

Job description: The objective of a process engineer is to manufacture the hi
ghest quality product in the most efficient and economic manner. The process e
ngineer also initiates and develops new processes, modifies and improves exist
ing processes, obtains, compiles, and monitors plant operating data to determi
ne efficiency and cost effects, and troubleshoots problems in order to optimiz
e plant operations.

1. will first work for an Engineering firm as a Contract Engineer for a couple
of years before converting to a Formosa employee)
2. Employer sponsor H1b Visa application.

Contact persons:
Chris Chen
[email protected]


All Comments

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2021-11-22T16:23
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2021-11-25T21:29
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2021-11-29T02:35
這次有公司信箱 和之前那個不一樣?
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2021-11-28T01:38
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2021-12-01T06:44

base 差兩萬 地點選擇 NYC、SF、Austin

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2021-11-19T03:09
看到底下在戰房租,我感覺真的太無聊了,一個San Jose東北邊靠milpitas的學區房房價 跟curpertino隔壁的San Jose就差了快一倍,房租差個1-2倍也是很合理 我自己住過Sunnyvale 2B2B就4000出頭,同社區的1B1B就是3000多,沒特別高級,但有朋 友住North Sa ...

google summer 2022 sde intern 求撈

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2021-11-13T11:41
大家好 我申請google 2022 summer sde intern 在11/8號 recruiter通知過了hire committee 目前在等team match 我目前在NYU Tandon唸CS碩一 我有接近兩年的工作經驗 以及3次的intern經驗 工作和實習上累積各種app開發和deep l ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2021-11-04T18:06
代PO,東南亞不歸我管,勿回站內信,聯絡方式在最下方。 宏全在東南亞各國有堅實的飲料製造基礎, 我們積極培育海外廠的飲料技術生產技術儲備幹部。 東南亞的RTD飲料市場潛力無限,歡迎對海外工作有熱情與抱負的你,加入我們的行列! 我們提供系統化的培訓、考核、輪調養成計劃,培訓合格後即調派至海外廠任職, 成為生產 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2021-11-04T17:56
代PO,東南亞不歸我管,勿回站內信,聯絡方式在最下方。 ①宏全公司的背景:台灣飲料包材的龍頭,除台灣外於亞洲七國也有設廠 (中國,泰國,越南,印尼,馬來西亞,緬甸,柬埔寨), 年營業額NTD 200億左右。若想瞭解更多宏全的資訊,可以至我們官網。 https://www.honchuan.com/ ...

內推Eng, DS at Meta + lyft

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2021-11-03T13:06
推薦Meta and lyft全職Eng or DS Email內容 1. 英文名 2. Email 3. Meta or Lyft Job links 4. Resume 5. 英文第三人稱推薦 信請寄至ml984atcornell.edu 請確認六個月內沒有被內推過 謝謝 - ...