台灣美光晶圓科技良率分析工程師 - 工程師

By Jacky
at 2017-06-21T15:41
at 2017-06-21T15:41
Table of Contents
As the Engineer for Yield Analysis, Data analysis scientist, within the YE
Department / PIE Group, you will be responsible to check yield performance of
process improvement actions and as one member of functional teams to analyze
baseline issue and bad lot/wafers.
In that you will get training and get continuously capability improved
through daily lot reviewing to recognize fail detractors, analysis
methodologies application with Y3/EDA/Tool correlation, and attending
respective taskforce meeting
You are expected to collaborate closely with PI/UPE/RDA/Q pals within the fab
Through above training, you will be a good Data analysis Scientist to
decorate your career path .
1.Fundamentals of semiconductor device and device reliability knowledge
2.Fundamentals of DRAM process flow knowledge
3.Comprehensive understanding in DRAM product functionality and probe testing
4.Comprehensive understanding of statistics and methods in data analysis
5.Comprehensive hands-on proficiency on Yield Cube and other EDA interfaces
1. 工程師職位薪資:
2. 績效獎金(IPP):按公司營運績效及組織目標成效給與。
3. 績優獎金(PBP):頒給年度績效優異之員工。
4. 即時獎勵(Spot Bonus/Micron Point):發給工作表現卓越之員工。
5. 久任獎勵(Service Award):服務每滿五年之員工,可獲頒特別贈品。
6. 勞工退休金美光提撥率:8%。
7. 新進員工到職當月即享有特休假(依到職比例),優於勞基法規定。
8. 全薪病假80小時;政府紀念不放假之紀念日給予特別休假,讓同仁有更多的假期安排
何先生 / [email protected]
As the Engineer for Yield Analysis, Data analysis scientist, within the YE
Department / PIE Group, you will be responsible to check yield performance of
process improvement actions and as one member of functional teams to analyze
baseline issue and bad lot/wafers.
In that you will get training and get continuously capability improved
through daily lot reviewing to recognize fail detractors, analysis
methodologies application with Y3/EDA/Tool correlation, and attending
respective taskforce meeting
You are expected to collaborate closely with PI/UPE/RDA/Q pals within the fab
Through above training, you will be a good Data analysis Scientist to
decorate your career path .
1.Fundamentals of semiconductor device and device reliability knowledge
2.Fundamentals of DRAM process flow knowledge
3.Comprehensive understanding in DRAM product functionality and probe testing
4.Comprehensive understanding of statistics and methods in data analysis
5.Comprehensive hands-on proficiency on Yield Cube and other EDA interfaces
1. 工程師職位薪資:
2. 績效獎金(IPP):按公司營運績效及組織目標成效給與。
3. 績優獎金(PBP):頒給年度績效優異之員工。
4. 即時獎勵(Spot Bonus/Micron Point):發給工作表現卓越之員工。
5. 久任獎勵(Service Award):服務每滿五年之員工,可獲頒特別贈品。
6. 勞工退休金美光提撥率:8%。
7. 新進員工到職當月即享有特休假(依到職比例),優於勞基法規定。
8. 全薪病假80小時;政府紀念不放假之紀念日給予特別休假,讓同仁有更多的假期安排
何先生 / [email protected]
All Comments

By Ida
at 2017-06-23T13:04
at 2017-06-23T13:04

By Zenobia
at 2017-06-24T08:50
at 2017-06-24T08:50

By Valerie
at 2017-06-28T01:10
at 2017-06-28T01:10

By Brianna
at 2017-06-30T15:25
at 2017-06-30T15:25

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-07-04T01:14
at 2017-07-04T01:14

By Carolina Franco
at 2017-07-06T12:20
at 2017-07-06T12:20

By Lucy
at 2017-07-08T18:30
at 2017-07-08T18:30

By Ophelia
at 2017-07-11T17:12
at 2017-07-11T17:12

By Xanthe
at 2017-07-12T00:48
at 2017-07-12T00:48

By Joseph
at 2017-07-12T07:03
at 2017-07-12T07:03

By Liam
at 2017-07-16T16:59
at 2017-07-16T16:59

By Skylar Davis
at 2017-07-19T05:11
at 2017-07-19T05:11

By Rosalind
at 2017-07-22T09:12
at 2017-07-22T09:12

By Christine
at 2017-07-22T11:53
at 2017-07-22T11:53

By Poppy
at 2017-07-24T03:34
at 2017-07-24T03:34

By Gary
at 2017-07-25T00:45
at 2017-07-25T00:45

By Rosalind
at 2017-07-26T23:32
at 2017-07-26T23:32

By Zenobia
at 2017-07-28T22:11
at 2017-07-28T22:11

By Frederic
at 2017-07-31T05:40
at 2017-07-31T05:40

By Emily
at 2017-08-01T09:59
at 2017-08-01T09:59

By Emily
at 2017-08-03T21:38
at 2017-08-03T21:38

By Mia
at 2017-08-04T06:42
at 2017-08-04T06:42

By Wallis
at 2017-08-04T20:04
at 2017-08-04T20:04

By Carolina Franco
at 2017-08-05T10:29
at 2017-08-05T10:29

By Emily
at 2017-08-09T10:07
at 2017-08-09T10:07

By Una
at 2017-08-12T07:52
at 2017-08-12T07:52

By Leila
at 2017-08-14T11:54
at 2017-08-14T11:54

By Jessica
at 2017-08-14T18:20
at 2017-08-14T18:20

By Donna
at 2017-08-18T04:33
at 2017-08-18T04:33

By Victoria
at 2017-08-22T08:21
at 2017-08-22T08:21

By Sandy
at 2017-08-22T18:36
at 2017-08-22T18:36

By Callum
at 2017-08-27T02:55
at 2017-08-27T02:55

By Valerie
at 2017-08-27T16:19
at 2017-08-27T16:19

By Isabella
at 2017-08-30T06:15
at 2017-08-30T06:15

By Olivia
at 2017-08-30T17:30
at 2017-08-30T17:30

By David
at 2017-09-03T12:37
at 2017-09-03T12:37

By Caitlin
at 2017-09-07T21:50
at 2017-09-07T21:50
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