國立陽明大學特聘講座吳成文院士LAB 誠徵博士後研究員 - 生技

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-01-26T17:06

Table of Contents

Postdoctoral fellow position

The National Yang-Ming University and IBMS, Academia Sinica, provide unique
opportunities for translational research of lung cancer. One or two
Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions are available in the laboratory of Dr.
Cheng-Wen Wu for a highly motivated individual with an interest and
background in cellular, molecular or cancer biology. The successful candidate
will join our efforts to investigate molecular mechanisms responsible for
lung cancer oncogene addiction, metastasis, and drug resistance.

This is a post-graduate position in which the individual is responsible for
assisting in research activities as well as conducting independent research
projects under appropriate supervision.

Successful candidates will have a PhD in molecular biology, cell biology or
related fields, and have extensive experience, and familiar with modern
techniques in these field.

Dr. Cheng-Wen Wu, a distinguished chair professor of the National Yang-Ming
University and member of Academia Sinica, has a good record of training
graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Many of them are now scientific
leaders in Taiwan and abroad. Please send CV, cover letter, and contact
information for two references to Dr. Cheng-Wen Wu at [email protected], or Miss
Yu-Rung Kao [email protected]

Tags: 生技

All Comments


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-01-26T14:10
【職缺名稱】碩士級研究助理 【徵才單位】馬偕醫院神經外科蔣明富醫師 【工作地址】馬偕醫院淡水分院 綜合研究大樓 【工作內容】細胞培養、分� ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-01-26T09:13
在下是生科研究所畢業的人 一直想找跑實驗室的業務工作 丟了104上面幾家公司的職缺,可是不知道為何都沒有消息 想請問一下是時機不對? 還是大家都 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2010-01-25T16:36
我也是與Taipei Ladyu有一樣的想法與背景 我覺得她的文寫的很中肯~ 我目前是在醫院擔任STUDY NURSE的工作 如果要到業界去擔任CRA/DM/MONITOR,據我了解最好有� ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-01-25T12:52
【職缺名稱】碩士級或大學級研究助理二名 【徵才單位】台北醫學大學醫學科學研究所張榮善老師實驗室 【工作地址】台北市信義區吳興街250號 醫學 ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2010-01-25T10:19
【職缺名稱】研究助理 【徵才單位】法務部調查局 【工作地址】新店 【工作內容】國科會計畫 【徵才條件】化學或是生化相關科系 【薪資待遇】3 ...