國際知名電影特效公司R&H找Linux人才 - 履歷

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-08-10T22:18

Table of Contents


國際知名電影特效公司Rhythm & Hues Studios(R&H)即將進駐高雄駁二特區。
R&H大多是使用Linux作業系統, 所以我們希望找到有興趣在R&H工作,

Rhythm & Hues

Linux System Administrator / Linux系統管理員

[LOCATION / 工作地點]
Pier 2, Kaohsiung / 高雄駁二特區

Position Summary / 工作摘要:
An experienced Linux Administrator who is able to work well in a team,
willing to perform a variety of functions, and be responsible for installing
and supporting Linux servers and workstations as well as networks and
critical infrastructure across multiple locations.
一位有經驗的Linux系統管理員能夠跟團隊合作, 願意履行多種技能, 並負責安裝和
支持Linux服務器和工作站, 以及網絡和多個地方的關鍵基礎設施。

Responsibilities / 責任:
- Take primary responsibility for hardware and software installation and
support of Linux workstations and servers.
- Perform general system and network maintenance and support .
- Install, upgrade and maintain hardware, software and peripherals.
- Troubleshoot problems with hardware, software and networks.
- Identify tasks which require automation and automate them.
- Evaluate and qualify relevant new technologies and suggestions from
- Analyze system utilization trends for capacity planning purposes.
- Produce documentation and provide training for end-users and colleagues.
- Resolve support requests and serve as escalation point for Linux and
networking issues.
- 首要責任是為Linux的硬體和軟體的安裝和工作站的支持。
- 執行一般的系統和網絡的維護和支持。
- 安裝, 升級和維護硬體, 軟體和輔助設備。
- 硬體, 軟體和網絡的問題疑難解答。
- 確認需要自動化的任務和讓他們自動化。
- 評估和確認資格相關的新技術, 和終瑞用戶的建議。
- 分析系統趨勢給容量規劃利用。
- 生產文件和提供終瑞用戶和員工的培訓。
- 解決支持的請求,作為Linux和網絡問題的升級點。

Required Skills / 需要條件
- Linux or Unix experience in a medium or large enterprise.
- Ability to work in a fast paced, high-pressure environment
- Linux或Unix的經驗在中型或大型企業。
- 快速工作能力, 抗壓性高, 一般要求。

General Requirements / 基本條件
- Experience in managing computer networks (WAN and LAN).
- Shell and Perl scripting to automate system administration functions.
- Ability to troubleshoot hardware, software and networking problems.
- Experience in supporting end users.
- Ability to work independently and with other members of a team.
- Ability to follow through on support requests in a timely manner, escalating to other members of the team when appropriate.
- 電腦網絡的管理經驗(WAN和LAN)。
- Shell和Perl語言為自動化系統管理。
- 解決硬體, 軟體和網路問題的能力。
- 支持終瑞用戶的經驗。
- 能夠獨立工作和和其它成員團體工作。
- 能夠及時按照支持請求, 適當的幫助其它成員。

Desired Skills / 理想技能:
- A computer science degree would be very helpful, but is not required.
- Experience in a 3D animation/post production facility would be a distinct
advantage .
- Proficiency in English would be desired.
- 有電腦科學學位會有幫助, 但是不是必要的。
- 對3D動畫和後製製作有經驗是會有優勢。
- 英語精通。

Taiwanese candidates preferred. Please send your resumes in English.

Online Resume Submission / 線上履歷投件:
Please visit http://www.rhythm.com/jobs/kaohsiung/positions/, if you wish to
apply online for this position.
請到 http://www.rhythm.com/jobs/kaohsiung/positions/ 如果你想要線上申請這個

[SALARY / 薪資] 30K-80K/month / 每月3萬到8萬

[月休] Sat, Sun off each week / 周休二日

[工作時間] 8:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri / 8:30am-5:30pm 星期一至五

[CONTACT INFO / 連絡資訊] Emily / (07) 532-2777 / [email protected]

Tags: 履歷

All Comments

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2012-08-15T15:19
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2012-08-20T10:41
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2012-08-23T00:21
如果可以五點半下班 領七八萬很不錯耶
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-08-23T09:00
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2012-08-27T16:16
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2012-08-28T21:20


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-08-10T21:29
新鈺本身是也是化妝品原料製造商,算是台灣滿少數自己生產化妝品原料又外銷到歐美 的公司。他們自己合成化妝品配方中用的酯類以及界面活性劑還� ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2012-08-10T15:06
★機構名稱:台中榮總嘉義分院 ★職缺類別:支持性就業服務員 ★工作時間:週一至週五 08:00-17:30 ★工作內容: 1、個案就業就業機會開發,包括就 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-08-09T22:36
小弟今年應屆畢業 免當兵的關係早一年找工作 主動投了三四家的履歷很不幸的 只有一家通知 但是包子店主動打來邀請面試 也順利的拿到OFFER ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-08-09T15:24
小弟本身是統研所剛畢業 尚無工作經驗 (應該是說有工作經驗但是跟目前 我想找的工作都無相關性) 因為7月份有事耽擱了 所以從最近2個禮拜才開始投 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2012-08-09T14:05
最近想找獵人頭公司,協助我尋找適合的職場下一步。 但又不知道哪一家比較值得信賴andamp;專業,可以放心把履歷交給他們, 網友們有推薦的嗎? �� ...