在上海第三年 找新的工作 - 大陸工作

By Hedy
at 2014-10-15T10:19
at 2014-10-15T10:19
Table of Contents
PTT ID:asole
性 別:男
年 齡:27
學 歷:台灣大學 工程學科類 碩士
西南交通大學 經濟管理學院 交換學生(半年)
交通大學 工程學科類 學士
語言能力:中文(母語) 英文(流暢,算是我的優勢,平常為了維持英語的敏感度
能讓我用上baby English,本次求職希望能找一個
Career History
2011.7-2013.9 Electronic devices manufacturing company, Shanghai
Sourcing and Supply Chain Management, Officer
Report to VP, BU Director
I joined ABC company, the 3rd largest manufacturer of portable electronic
devices right after I graduated. The company had just experienced a fast
product transforming period from notebook to smart phone and PAD, which
allowed me numerous opportunities to apply my skills in the field of sourcing
and supply chain management, such as procurement workflow improvement,
statistical analysis, parts cost analysis, demand forecast and risk
assessment. Upon repeated presentations and negotiations with suppliers, I
earned more performing and promotion opportunities.
In the first 13 months, I was responsible for major parts and mechanical
parts procurement, which includes:
*Creation of quality guide book: Implemented effective quality assessment and
management process among suppliers.
*Supplier quality issue resolution: Supported handling quality problem of
supplier; worked out the action plan with engineers for quality, LT and cost
improvement; executed the implementation.
*Supplier database establishment: Conducted general market research for
potential supplier development. Set up supplier database by sourcing suitable
suppliers according to company standard and other criteria.
*Contract negotiation: Assessed supplier for cost, quality, LT, TPS supplying
standards to negotiate cost reduction and value improvement.
*Budget control: Conducted cost reduction by analyzing supplier production cost
with 5M1E techniques and proposing cost cutting plans.
During the first part of my career in ABC, we elevated the integrity of
supplier database and reduced 7 days of sourcing lead time and 10% of
purchasing cost. Meanwhile, we improved the sourcing assessment procedures
of major mechanical materials.
2013 was the booming year for ABC as our manufacturing capabilities were
approved by our customers. I seized the opportunity to make contributions by
utilizing my numerical based presentation and negotiation skills and value
chain analysis techniques on SCM.
*TPS contest winner: I won an intensive three-month competition by building the
demand forecast mathematical model to reduce the impact of potential demand
shock, which mitigated the risk of over and out of stock.
*Contract negotiation: Inlined with Inventory plan, quality policy, and company
business plan. Developed and managed supply agreement, led times and payment
*NPI support: Reported to HQ office and supported new product development and
supplier sourcing, including suppliers lead time management, quality control,
material cost, and new product development.
*Order allocation strategies: Set up order allocation policy, induced
competitions between suppliers among lower price, higher quality and more
accurate delivery time.
*Purchasing risk assessment and budget control
*Cross department cooperation: worked with departments of finance, logistics,
mechanism, IE and production to meet the financial (inventory turnover rate,
accounts payables, cash flows), production and quality goals.
During the period of my service in the company, I improved the supplier
delivery accuracy, quality and cooperation willingness by demand and
inventory forecast models, TPS supplier principles and closely work with
other team members inside and outside the company. I participated in external
annual academic meetings of industrial engineering and also won the company
internal TPS contest by continuous study and self-improvement. When I left
ABC, our BU had grown into a giant unit with 4 factories and 25,000
employees in Suzhou and Chongqing.
2013.11-2014.8 One of the most largest fitness equipment provider, Shanghai
Operating and Management supervisor
report to General Manager, VP of BU, Director of GM office
DEF is the 2nd largest fitness equipment provider around the world. It's
vision is to grow 100% from 2013 to 2017 fiscal year. Therefore the China HQ
which I belongs to must build more branches and laid more outlets to meet the
group's revenue goal.
My first mission was to evaluate the cookware and ice-cream market in China
which is expected to be a great potential market for the DEF group. I
conducted the market survey with consulting firms, telephone access and field
practice. I aggregated a new business operating plan by making demand
forecasting, value chain and competitors' 4P strategies analysis, 5 forces
analysis, cost and expense analysis for different channels, break-even
analysis, and cash flow analysis. After repeated presentations and
negotiations, we finally obtained resources from the HQ to lunch our new
business unit.
DEF is optimistic of growth rate of second-tier cities in China, and thus
I analyzed the market potential by utilizing the net present value analysis
from Engineering Economics to modeling the cash flow and 3 years break-even
point of all investment portfolios and interest rates environment. It was a
key report for decision makers to facilitate the Chongqing branch in July
Shanghai City
目前我的工作年限處在一個很尷尬的狀態... 我的前一份工作職稱是主任,
2、Micheal Page等類似的人力資源仲介
3、Linkedin (非常不熟悉如何使用,求救板友經驗分享...)
先感謝板友回覆了,或是私下站內信交流也非常歡迎 :)
All Comments

By Steve
at 2014-10-15T21:17
at 2014-10-15T21:17

By Poppy
at 2014-10-17T08:56
at 2014-10-17T08:56

By Carol
at 2014-10-17T18:20
at 2014-10-17T18:20

By Charlotte
at 2014-10-18T04:59
at 2014-10-18T04:59

By Kelly
at 2014-10-22T07:38
at 2014-10-22T07:38

By Isla
at 2014-10-23T09:22
at 2014-10-23T09:22

By Annie
at 2014-10-26T02:36
at 2014-10-26T02:36
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