外商 Database Administrator - 工程師

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2016-04-13T12:18

Table of Contents

Robert Walters 代外商徵

Database Administrator (DBA)

‧Sets and maintains operational database standards on an ongoing basis
‧Enforces and improves database integrity and performance through the use
of sound design principles and set down database design standards.
‧Designs and enforces data security policies to eliminate unauthorized
access to data on managed data systems in accordance with IT Services
technical specifications and business requirements.
‧Works on calls/tickets and escalations that are assigned by Team Lead,
Market & Support Coordinator or Operations Centre ensuring that all issues
are followed up on and resolved. Keeps client informed at all times with the
progress of calls / issues.
‧Makes a client and their needs a primary focus of action and attention,
while developing and/or maintaining productive client relationships.
‧Implements improved IT processes that have a positive effect on the team's
performance or company.

‧Relevant Degree or Tertiary qualification
‧Certification or skillset covering Microsoft SQL 2008 / 2012 / 2014
‧More than 5 years IT experience or more than 3 years of Database experience.
‧Solid IT knowledge
‧Automation scripting
‧Understanding of programming principles


【工作時間】週一--週五 9:00--18:00


Monthly package: 80K-120K


Send your resume to Judy Yu
[email protected]


All Comments

UMC 開獎

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2016-04-13T08:46
※ 引述《zcliu026 (中港阿志)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《fog (簡單的不甘心...)》之銘言: : : 回首看看這篇文章剛好一年 : : 但今年卻沒任何U開獎的風聲 : : 還 ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-04-13T02:13
借問一下 中華電信的4G網路最近狂當機 是不是跟這位CEO有關? 有沒有八卦? 中華電信不是設備都用業界最好的嗎? 正常來講網路設備都有HA吧 怎麼 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2016-04-12T23:23
沒想代表薪資很難看 你看了就不會想去 如果公司有骨氣 覺得自己薪資很高 就直接會亮出薪資來 ※ 引述《hubay (hubay)》之銘言: : 這幾天電話接到精 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2016-04-12T23:13
《亞洲金融》雜誌(FinanceAsia)公布「2016亞洲最佳公司」評比結果,中華電信囊括 三大獎,中華電信董事長蔡力行獲頒台灣區「最佳CEO獎」,是台灣區� ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2016-04-12T23:12
小弟最近要去應徵鈺登科技的QC測試工程師的職缺,想請教一下公司的近況,及內部工 作氣氛如何呢??筆試大概會考些什麼呢??工作內容只有單純產品測� ...