外商 Full Stack Developer/ Team Lead ( - 工程師

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-02-23T02:23

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Robert Walters 代外商徵 Full Stack Developer/ Team Lead (Overseas Position)

Full Stack Developer/ Team Lead (Overseas Position)



Candidates will receive good exposure to the business side, and be able
to see and measure the true value of the work. Nothing is opaque here.
We work in agile which for us does mean really focusing on business value
as well as technological aptitude.
Despite the success and size of the company we really operate with a start-up
feel; you get to be part of choosing where and what you’re working on,
the technologies and how we solve the business concerns


Key Requirements:

1.Technologies of interest (we are not expecting you to have them all):
(1)Java (or other JVM languages), C# is acceptable
(2)Solid experience with UNIX shell scripts and O/S
(4)Cassandra / ElasticSearch / Hadoop
(5)Knockout.js, Angular.js, Gulp.js
(7)Memcached, Redis
(8)Postgres, SQL Server, MySql

2.Good standard of English both written and spoken

3.Experience of working with China based customers on a large ecommerce project highly desirable




Annual salary:
Full Stack Developer: NTD 1-1.5 M
Team Leader: NTD 1.5-2M


Send your resume to Ruby Lin
[email protected]

(代po, 勿回站內信)


All Comments

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2016-02-26T20:15
東南亞範圍很大 有具體一樣的位置嗎?
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2016-02-28T12:26
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2016-03-02T10:28

ic layout目前缺額跟工時

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2016-02-22T23:04
想藉這篇問一下 IC Layout 難度頗高 VLSI 電子學 電路學 Laker... 不知道要不要包光罩? 光罩大部分都是用Laker 畫的? 而且培訓課程完整學完要12萬NT 還滿佩 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2016-02-22T23:01
小弟私立大學學士出社會三年 目前因還在職中選想先請問各位前輩一些offer, 目前作系統廠的測試工程師快一年 ,每月加班約50小時年薪55萬,覺得事�� ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-02-22T21:01
本魯肥宅來幫在奇美實業上班的同學代PO 大家都被制盲了,他看不下去 叫本肥魯宅上來幫大家解盲一下 如果他幫這個忙,說不定就可以幫我引進奇美 ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2016-02-22T19:33
版上各位大大好 小弟一月底剛退伍 目前接到茂達--ESD暨元件工程師 面試 想請問各位大大這家的相關資料或是這職缺的面試相關 還請麻煩指教 --


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-02-22T18:35
如題 主管說會盯著我到底幾點走 說以前表定是五點半(現在已改五點) 不啦不啦的一堆延伸 大家為了錢要無止盡的忍耐…, 是這樣嗎 --