外商Senior Android App Developer - 工程師

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2015-07-20T23:56

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※ [本文轉錄自 Soft_Job 看板 #1LhHeFEi ]

作者: arashi233 (arashi233) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [徵才]外商Senior Android App Developer
時間: Mon Jul 20 23:55:56 2015

Robert Walters 代外商徵

Senior Android App Developer

We are looking for a senior Android App Developers to join our newly formed mobile
application development team. This new department will focus on the
development of cutting edge mobile applications targeting South East Asian
consumers. This group was established a few months ago in collaboration with
successful technologist and entrepreneurs from the US and SE-Asia.

- Partner with UI designer in creating intuitive applications
- Partner with platform developers to ensure seamless back-end integration
- Partner with PM to develop application that meets all customer needs

- 3+ years of Android SDK development and deployment
- Deep understanding of writing native code to integrate hardware & software
work together, such as text message, payment (NFC), or Bluetooth is a big
- Apps on the app store - You've shipped App or products that we use and love
- Strong Interest in open source and fostering a developer community
- Experience in collaborative application development using source control
tools such as git and strategies for using source control, such as branch,
diff, merge, etc is required
- Payment solution or experience in improving user experience from design
aspect is a big plus


【工作時間】週一--週五 10:00--19:00


NT$ 1,000,000--$1,500,000
(Depends on different background and working experience)


Send your resume to Ina Chang
[email protected]


All Comments

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2015-07-25T22:31
信義區+senior.... 薪水是月薪嗎
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2015-07-29T16:36


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-07-20T22:42
想請教是否有版友知道德商風電能源的資訊 主要產品就是做風力發電機 覺得是蠻新鮮的工作 不過不清楚實際工作內容及待遇如何 也想請教關於這個� ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2015-07-20T21:43
※ 引述《lesely (蛋蛋)》之銘言: : 小妹我已當了QC工程師三年的經歷 : 自己想轉專案管理師 : 日前面試專案管理師與QE工程師有要給我offer : QE工程師是�� ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-07-20T21:25
最近小弟接收到通知至該公司參加面試(製程工程師) 請問一下,高雄晶傑達-製程,內部的工作環境跟工時是怎樣呢?? 有版上大大可分享或是站內信告知� ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-07-20T19:46
請問版上有人知道這單位的狀況嗎?? 可否一下分享工作內容和部門風氣事宜,下班時間等,感激不盡!! 如果不方便說的話,可以站內信!! 對了 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2015-07-20T19:18
小妹我已當了QC工程師三年的經歷 自己想轉專案管理師 日前面試專案管理師與QE工程師有要給我offer QE工程師是宇瞻科技 PM則是小公司 想知道這2個職位� ...